Wiki Update suggestion

Hello there, good people! Was playing around with setting up a new scene and realized that Creating-a-new-playable-scene wiki (though extremely helpful!) misses a few points. This thread is a suggestion of what to include.

After you dragged EditorInitializer, CameraSystem, and SpawnSystem to the newly created scene, added some geometry to walk by, one more step is required if you want to have Protagonist spawn right away. We need to set up “This SceneSO”. To do that:

  1. Navigate to Assets → ScriptableObjects → SceneData → WIP and duplicate TestingGround SO, name it the same way you named the scene, eg Quests&Dialogues

  2. Make sure that freshly created Quests&Dialogues SO has Location Scene Type and Scene Reference Points to your scene (Quests&Dialogues in my case).

  3. Back in your scene, click on EditorInitializer and select SO you just created as “This Scene SO”

  4. Hit Play and enjoy hacking!

Pro Tip: You can also kill the default Main Camera as the actual camera will be instantiated on runtime.

Pro Tip 2: Set SpawnSystem slightly above the ground to avoid poor Hamlet falling through it when you run the scene


Ah, right, thanks @gregsolo , I will update it as soon as possible! Good catch!