Wildcards in crossdomain.xml

This is up in mydomain.tv is available for purchase - Sedo.com

I am using UnityEngine.WWW to post some data to the site.

I used sniffer to check if it is correctly requested, and it is all right there. But, unfortunately, it seems like * has no effect! I am trying to access it from test.mydomain.tv, and it is rejected.

allow from test.mydomain.tv access from test.mydomain.tv = works

allow from mydomain.tv access from mydomain.tv = works

allow from *.mydomain.tv access from test.mydomain.tv = rejected (this is so wrong…)

allow from *.mydomain.tv access from mydomain.tv = rejected (dunno if it should be?)

Am I doing something wrong here or it’s just “Unity cannot into wildcards” issue?

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<allow-access-from domain="*.mydomain.tv"/>

Have you tried

<allow-access-from domain="mydomain.tv"/>

and then accessing from test.mydomain.tv and mydomain.tv ?