Will Goldstone tutorial

does his tutorial also work on the iphone?
does the scripting work on the iphone?

I haven’t watched the tutorial, but I know that the terrain engine isn’t currently on the iPhone. The iphone does support scripting like regular unity but requires that you use static typing. (Otherwise should work the same.)

i am aware of that. i am wondering if don’t use the terrain, but a just a simple flat grid as environment, would the scripts all work

Hi Lesfundi,

No my tutorials will likely not work in any sense on Unity iphone - they are based around the first person controller prefab for a start which uses mouse and keyboard input. Thats the tip of the iceberg for things that wouldnt work, sorry!


thanks Will!
So, if I would use the demo of the first person controller for the iphone and use your script of shooting and collection elements do you think would work?

In theory yes, but you’d need to make sure that all of the various parts are strictly data typed, otherwise you’ll get errors. Personally I havent looked at the FPS controller on the iphone demo, i’ve been sticking to developing simpler games, but if its just a character controller reconfigured for the onscreen joysticks then i don’t see why not.

However the scripts in my tutorials are very simple, and if you cannot write them i’d spend a lot more time learning some of the basics first. Give me a shout if you want help with any specifics

all the best
