WIll HDRP and URP Coexistence allow for other SRP aswell?

While the transition to SRP has been a bumpy road I do see the appeal, and generally support the idea. But I think a big problem which it seems you’ve discovered with the coexistence idea is that it can be a huge deal to change from one SRP to another.

This makes experimenting with SRP more difficult than it should be I think. Besides all the issues, there’s no incentive to say sell an SRP on the asset store. Cause likely no ones going to upend their whole project just to test if an SRP is ideal for them.

Is part of the intent of coexistence to standardize the language enough that switching SRP’s is easier, and ultimately as a result perhaps make it easier for people to experiment with their own or purchased SRP’s? Much like how the naming of shader properties is often standard making changing shaders easier?

Hi! Thanks for the question! Coexistence is definitely quite big topic and requires a lot of different changes both from Core, URP and HDRP. Our primary goal is to increase URP and HDRP parity and allow users share samples, tutorials and plugins more easily .

As we are working on Core part of SRP it will also include more unified API and UX improvements from which Custom SRP will benefit too. We want to provide consistent API and share the code as much as it makes sense between the pipelines. Although, Custom SRP can differ drastically from HDRP/URP and complexity for switching will depends on how different it is.


You guys needs to move from two default SRP pipelines slowly into 1 single pipeline that scales from mobile up to high end. I don’t care if sacrifices needs to be done but we can’t just keep this pipeline fragmentation forever.

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