I am just wondering let’s say my game is successful and it has 100.000 players and they are willing to watch rewarded videos.
Can Unity ADS service provide ads anytime I need?
without having meditation and related sources behind it.
Or should I be worried even now and start to search alternatives like Admob and or ironsource and others?
The ads fill rate depends on countries. Where are your users mostly located?
I think you don’t need to worry about fillrate too much at first and see how it is going.
You can check the fill rate on the dashboard when you live your app.
If you find the fill rate lower than you expected, then you can try unity mediation instead.
You can find more information about unity mediation here
but low fill rate can kill my app, bad reviews, bad stars and ergo low organic growth of monetization, how can I risk it?
I can not risk my hand by putting it in saw machine and say “Let’s see what will happen”
Besides, I looked at the mediation and its SDK killed my will to live.
Too complicated otherwise we wouldn’t make this conversation.
The question was asked about the countries you expect to serve, perhaps you missed it. Also, I doubt you will receive bad reviews if users don’t have to watch ads. You could lose potential revenue, yes. If you have questions on mediation implementation, please ask (perhaps you already have).
Mediation is alluring but this is my first game and for now, I am trying to keep it as simple as possible.