since NGUI’s author has been employed by Unity HQ several months ago… and he is still updating NGUI…
what do you think?
No, next guy was already shown and afaik it wasn’t showcased as something similar.
Arenmook said the new unity GUI he was working on would be new and better than NGUI. You can read the whole thread on it here:
A while back Unity posted this entry on their blog:
It seems to be fairly similar to NGUI. So maybe something along those lines. Who knows?
I think NGUI is the future Unity3d GUI system of Unity3d. Of course as alternative to native system.
With Nicholas gone, I am quite curios as to what unity’s plans are. Did they hire ArenMook to finish Nicholas’ GUI? Or did they hire him to write/incorporate his own system (NGUI) into unity (and basically ditch this)?
NGUI is a great product. Much nicer than Unity GUI in terms or performance and ease of use, but its a fairly unstructured approach which really favours building UI through the Editor not through code. I’d be pretty disappointed if the new UI just turned out to be a tarted up version of NGUI.
I believe the new UI will have a similar (or maybe simplified) workflow compared to NGUI but will surely be faster, more optimized and have better out the box core functionality while being natively integrated into Unity. This is awesome!
No, really I think that new GUI system will be based on idea of NGUI. But of course it will be some combination of NGUI and best practices of using UI. e.g. WindowsForms or wxwidgets.
Did you see the Mecanim system? Really, it’s very good product! So, I think, new gui system will be nice Of course I hope
They’ve already shown it; it’s not NGUI.
Thats from before Arenmook was hired to rewrite it though, correct?
Where was it said he re wrote it?
No one said he was hired to rewrite it. Someone asked if that was the reason.
ArenMook said he took where the Unity UI was (I believe Nicolas) left and continue it (nothing was reworked from scratch). He also said that workflow will be similar to NGUI (it doesn’t mean it will be NGUI) but people that work with NGUI will have a head start of the new Unity GUI.
They already have the foundation so it won’t be NGUI. I would believe the workflow would be even better because its integrated to Unity.
NGUI is a good tool but its not perfect. I think that ArenMook has the chance to make something even better and hope that he does.
I think I understand why Unity hired him even if we can’t deny the obvious conflict of interest here (the longer the Unity GUI takes to release, the more money Aren will make by selling more copies N-GUI while also being paid by Unity).
Maybe its just me seeing the negative portion of it. I really hope it turns out well in the end.
Yeah that is a good point talk about conflict of intrest.
I don’t think Unity will do that, that would be very bad for Unity and Unity now needs to preserve its image to remain the leader.
If you’re referring to the conflict of interest - it happened already the moment they hired him or when he accepted the job. I don’t think it is a very professional move to hire your competitor and let him sell and work on his product while he keeps also working on yours.
And now with the sad news of Nicholas’ departure (the lead on the GUI), who is the gui lead, Aren ? Its not that I don’t trust him or UT but all I see in this move to hire him is some kind of evil scheme or plot regardless from which angle I look. I guess I play too many video games haha. I hope I will happily be proven wrong when it releases in the 4.x cycle.
i think that there’ll be a convergence of NGUI and 4.x GUI (and maybe an updater as Aron has wrote)
so we can’t go wrong staying with NGUI… whatever will be, we are on a safe boat!
Does somebody knowTreeD? A really neat lowpoly treemaking software. The same guy made the Tree Creator for Unity. That one is buggy as hell since it came out. And definitely worse than TreeD in handling and flexibility. I fear we will see the same happen with the new GUI. Good meant but bad performed.
The whole story around the new GUI is a bad show already, with all its broken promises and hints.