Will Pro help? Profiler & in Game snapshots

Hi all!

I’m working on a big game that has some very open and detailed terrain and many objects.

I need to know if upgrading to Unity Pro would help my stats (i.e. via static batching, occlusion culling, etc).

I have lots of object I have already set to static and it looks like the dynamic batching is working ok. Also I set the pixel error for the unity terrain to help. Would statis batching help even more?

First image is a snapshot of the unity player in the editor. Second image is an Xcode Profiler Stats for an iPad3 Retina (surprisingly poor). On an iPhone5c it runs great at 60fps. All stats taken at roughly the same viewpoint in the game.

I have other stats but could not upload becasue of 2 image limit. An iPhone5c runs great at 60fps and an iPad2 (about 24 fps) is actually a little better than the iPad3 Retina which is surprising.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Unity Player with Stats
![alt text][1]

iPad3 Retina running Unity Xcode Profiler (surprisingly poor)
![alt text][2]

You can accomplish anything that Unity does with your own native code. You say it’s a big game so chances are some of these features will definitely help you out. However these are features any big game should have so imho you should have decided whether to go pro before starting the project.

That being said: Unity profiler is invaluable for profiling unity. It’ll save you time because it’s easier to deal with than xcode profiling and there’s a direct correlation between what it reports and what you are looking at. (unlike xcode where it only knows what unity made for it to look at).

My advice is to go for pro because it’s a good investment. (you get spritepacker and all those nice async features too)
Otherwise you’ll waste a bunch of time on sub-par solutions for the same problems.