Will Smartfox/PlayerIO on Unity Flash be supported?

Based on my trial run, both of PlayerIO and Smartfox’s Unity3D API won’t work if the project is exported to flash because of ‘Not supported in Unity Flash’ errors.

Here’s some example from smartfox’s errors:

Usage of a type or method not supported by Unity Flash.
Details: Field of unsupported type System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1 Sfs2X.SmartFox::eventsQueue
at line : 0

Usage of a type or method not supported by Unity Flash.
Details: Field of unsupported type System.Timers.Timer Sfs2X.SmartFox::disconnectTimer
at line : 0

Usage of a type or method not supported by Unity Flash.
Details: Instantiation of unsupported type System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1 Sfs2X.Core.BaseEvent

And the answer from Smartfox’s side is : “At the moment there’s no plan to “fix” that because it would require a huge work and possibly it’s not even possible.
Many of the classes required in the API cannot be substituted without largely impacting all the existing project. Additionally I think Unity will improve the Flash support, this is just the very first release and problems are very likely to occur.”

so, will the current PlayerIO/Smartfox API be supported by Unity3D, or will there be problem on Unity side too so they won’t be supported?
and is there any workaround for this?

Chris Benjaminsen from Player.IO here.

While we do not yet offer a nicely wrapped fully functional exporter for Unity3d > Flash it’s something we are actively working on.
In the mean-time one of the users in our great community have made a great example / written a how to.

The forum thread can be found here: PlayerIO • View topic - Unity build to Flash Player 11 & PlayerIO

Direct download: http://www.arcadedevelopergroup.com/UnityFlashAndPlayerIO.zip

If you are running into the .NET limited AOT compiler issue, there is a beta API that works here:

thanks! the embeddedapi.swc really solved all my problems. All other 3rd party swc also works :wink: