So I’m having a bit of financial problems at the moment and I can’t afford to build my own computer yet. My only option is to rent to buy on from Aarons. It has a AMD E1-1200 Accelerated Processor and a AMD Radeon™ HD 7310 Graphics. Also 4 GB of memory. Will this be enough to use unity?
I would say yes… but, do you mind me giving you some advice?
In the long run, you are basically paying a “lease” for that… or at least 30%-40% or more than if you stuck your bucks in a personal savings account and “saved” up for it. I realize today that this concept is not taught to people, but in the amount of time it will take you to “pay off” that debt… you will have enough saved to buy two of the same systems… or one really awesomely nice one. You’ll feel 10 time better about yourself, and have a computer 10 times better than the rent-to-buy garbage from Aarons.
If you need someone to come by once in a while to crack a whip, i’ll be happy to.
NO! E1s the worst processor in the world! Avoid if possible. (See site for details)
If you compile a Unity project, it will take you, maybe, 20+ minutes. It is almost 20 times slower than a modern day computer.
You can do layaway at Kmart or Walmart too at certain times of the year. Then you can pay a reasonable amount for a reasonable laptop or desktop.
The Kmart ad for the PC even says it’s available for layaway. WalMart I think you need to call your local store.
Rent-To-Own prices are unreasonable even before you factor in interest and antiquated inventory due to the unpopularity of overpaying.
AMD has not yet redeemed itself.
AMD is the worst company ever. Intel for processor and Nvidia for GPU. Period. AMD is so disgusting and I cannot understand why the company is still in business.
Yeah, such a horrible company that both Sony and Microsoft are using them for their new console’s CPUs and GPUs…
Also from my own experience with them over the years they have been nothing but rock solid with good performance. Intel is obviously a great company, and I do know that these days if you want absolute top of the line you have to go with them… but what you just said seems pretty misinformed or I guess, going by your name, possibly just troll-bait.
Gosh yes. That terrible company powering your xbox one and ps4 and mac pro.
Tip: Save up for your system, by the time you have enough for it. It will be less than half the price, so you can afford a better system.
Q: Would you not be better off buying a second hand computer that could be more powerful at a fraction of the cost?
Everyone goes with AMD because it’s cheaper. Nobody wants to buy a $800 PS4 cause they used an i7 and a 760. Same with other things AMD is used for. This is why AMD Laptops are $289 in some places. Because they have cheaper parts, with the sacrifice of performance. I’ve always gone with Intel and Nvidia, but it’s a hole in your wallet.
AMD was kicking Intel’s pants big-time during the Pentium 4 era, and the instructions you’re using in your 64-bit Intel chip are actually AMD’s. (Intel was too busy messing around with their failed Itanium instead.) Even though AMD didn’t maintain their lead, they knocked Intel out of their complacency and continue to prevent Intel from being a worse company (in terms of business practices) than they already are. So they should stick around.
Honestly, AMD (im not trollin, im on vacation) is so terrible. I had the worst experiences with them. I have never had their CPUs but I had a GPU from AMD and it was crap. Sure, it is cheap but the performance was terrible. Also, it is pretty good on PS4 and Xbox One but seriously, it still sucks. My opinion. Nvidia spends $10 billion each year for graphics research and they make some pretty awesome GPU’s. If you want an awesome gaming rig, get an Nvidia gpu
Does your system have an AMD Processor or GPU?
Odds are if you buy cheap, don’t review, and try to save money, your gonna endup with junk. Intel or AMD. Having been in the tech field, and made purchases going back to the mid 90’s, I can tell you there are times when either brand is worth getting. Currently, it seems intel cpu’s are better, but again, it is going to depend on WHICH you buy and how much you can afford to spend.
To the original topic at hand, if you have the skillset to build your own pc (it doesn’t require a lot of know how these days) - part it out. Buy a piece at a time. Just make sure you plan the whole machine first. You might have to wait a few months to actually use your computer, but you’ll be happier with the end result, and you can take advantage of specific sales that might come up while doing so.
Before you start tho, figure out a budget you can actually afford. If you can afford a monthly fee to rent something, thats already money you could be saving, and if your financial situation is really that bad, you can take that money and dig ourself out cancel subscriptions and take those too and bail yourself out. A computer today is not worth bankruptcy tomorrow.
Exactly. AMD was only able to compete because of its lower price point. It is far inferior compare to Intel in term of technology and manufacturing process (still at 28 nm I think? - EDIT: OH MY GAWD - ITS LATEST Piledriver microarchitecture is still at 32 nm !! EDIT 2: Okay, on another search it looks like its latest is Jaguar microarchitecture which is still at 28 nm… Intel has been on 22 nm for 2 years now (since 2011 - Sandy Bridge microarchitecture) and is about to move to Broadwell microarchitecture next year (2014) which will be 14 nm (about 4 times smaller and power efficient than 28 nm process).
My personal experience with AMD had been okay, runs extremely hot (but okay) back in Athlon days and that was my last AMD CPU. I got that Athlon CPU purely because it was cheaper than the Intel CPU on offer back in the days. Athlon was its last golden era - it was never the same once Intel came out with the Core 2 architecture which ran far cooler and more efficient (and highly over-clockable and bang for the bucks) than the AMD CPU on offer at the same price point.
Nope, it has a 6502 CPU and a 3dfx card.
“It’s pretty good but still sucks.” Indeed. That was astonishingly logical and not even slightly troll-like.
Just exactly how much budget do you have??
If I were you, I would look at the newspaper’s classified section or shop around second hand shops or bargain bins for either whole computer or parts - I think you can get a very decent computers for less than $100 nowadays.
Happy with my new FX8350.
I used to have old Ibm 8086 and CGA graphics card. It can display upto 16 colours and require B800:000 pokes. It has 64kb of video memory.
You could play Sim City v1 on it (CGA graphics), Ultima I (CGA graphics) and even King’s Quest I.
You had to reprogram the CGA font-table to get fonts. Kids now-a-days are spoilt by TTF fonts in Unity. Many of the graphics had to scale down to 80 x 25 or 160 x 40 for double-density graphics. Thank goodness VGA, XVGA and VESA-bus came along !!