I have been wondering this recently because I started to use Linux and I have realized that it is faster than Windows and WAY faster than Mac OSX. Like, the boot time is under a minute and Windows takes about a minute, and my school’s Mac takes around a minute and a half to two minutes to boot up. Linux also runs way faster in everything else, not just boot time. I am on my “browsing” computer that I only use for browsing the internet and stuff, and Linux runs very fast. The processor is 1.4 GHz Dual Core, so VERY slow, and Linux runs very smooth. I think the Unity team should bring Unity over to Linux, I mean, you guys do let us export to Linux, just we can’t actually develop on Linux. Also, 3D Modeling software that is on Windows and Mac is also on Linux, so porting Unity over to Linux, I don’t think, would hurt anything. Please, please, please port Unity3D over to Linux!!!
Well this sucks… :(. That one fast reply though, holy fudge. Thank you. But I hate to see this SO much… I guess when I am using Linux, I will have to use something different… Unity is SUCH a good engine…
Try running Unity under Wine. From what I heard the only thing not really working is the Asset Store.
My boot time on windows 8.1 is around 7 seconds from cold, and 8 seconds before I can browse
In any case there’s no current plan for Linux according to a recent interview with David Helgason. They are investing in the runtime at present. Of course it could change in future, and might be any time since a lot of Unity’s staff also enjoy Linux.
I also have doubts many people would pay for Unity pro in order to use it on Linux… Are you on pro or free?
I’ve been making due without an SSD simply by leaving my computer running. It is still near the top of my list of things to buy once I can afford to upgrade.
Which if none of them intend to buy Unity Pro then you start losing motivation to support the platform. I have yet to see any posts in those other pro-Linux threads that actually state they intend to buy a license if it started supporting it.
I think the real mid term solution that’s actually viable is that Unity tweaks the product so it runs better under wine, which includes asset store. That’s revenue not to be ignored…