I sent bug report about this problem on 3/26/2009 and still got no answer. So I try to ask again about this problem.
I edit the game on the PC because it’s more powerful (NVIDIA GeForce 8700M GT; Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (6.0.6001); Intel(R) Core™2 Duo CPU T9300 (at) 2.50GHz) but NEVER successfully made a build on it (I turned off Anti-Virus software and even firefox, no other program running when building the game). But when put into a MAC version 2.1, the SAME game project can be built without any problem.
Attached are two screen shots when Unity crashed.
I guess the memory management of Unity windows version has bugs.
Attach your project folder to the bug report. Just saying “it crashes!” with no project folder makes it hard to investigate (it does not crash for me on the projects I tried).
I rebuilt my project and did not make it but I found this in the console:
Automatic import for ‘Assets/Resources/Structures/abc.jpg’ was disabled because the asset importer crashed on it last time.
You can Reimport the asset or rename it in the file manager to force reimporting it.
So I made another test. I put a sample scene into my project and just rebuilt it - Unity crashed again. So I wonder whether abc.jpg caused the crash, but if it did, does it make sense that I did not use it in the built scene but it caused the crash? Just my guess.
How large is that file size? I know Unity 2.5 has problems with .raw files that are over 150 megs in size and simply won’t do it, so it makes me wonder if some of your asset files are just to large.