Win 32 Path already exists error

Hi there,

Thanks for reading my question. I’m not really a coder, but have been asked to develop a demo. I am trying to build a system whereby the user loads in images to Unity to be displayed at runtime. The user specifies a path from a GUI input field, and then presses a button which should load the files from the specified folder into a folder in the resources folder. The code references the source folder variable from another script. Things are fine until the files are supposed to move, when I get the following error

IOException: Win32 IO returned ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS. Path:

I have read elsewhere that this is because it is trying to overwrite files in the folder, but the folder is empty, and I have written a function which checks at the start of the runtime and should delete any files.

If anybody would be as kind to point in me the right direction, I am pulling my hair out a bit.

void Start () {
	DirectoryInfo text = new DirectoryInfo(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/Text");
	DirectoryInfo images = new DirectoryInfo(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/Images");
	textPath = text.FullName;
	imagesPath = images.FullName;
	DontDestroyOnLoad (this);
	checkFolders ();
	void checkFolders () {
	if (Directory.Exists(imagesPath) && Directory.Exists(textPath))
    Debug.Log ("Images Exist & Text Exists");
	string [] iFiles = Directory.GetFiles(imagesPath);
	foreach (string iFilename in iFiles)
	string [] tFiles = Directory.GetFiles(textPath);
	foreach (string tFilename in tFiles)

	Directory.CreateDirectory (Application.dataPath + "/Resources/Text");
	Directory.CreateDirectory (Application.dataPath + "/Resources/Images");
	Debug.Log("Creating Images Folder");

	void LoadResources () {

	//run through source folder
	string imageSourcePath = UserSessionDefs.imagePath;
	Debug.Log (imageSourcePath);
	string [] imagesFiles = Directory.GetFiles(UserSessionDefs.imagePath);
	foreach (string image in imagesFiles)
	{Debug.Log (image);
	File.Move (imageSourcePath, imagesPath);} 

Thanks in advance.

Your Images Path inside windows 32 is looped therefore you want to specify a variable inside imagesPath to make a direct datapath.