Wind: Detail meshes for rocks moving from wind?

I've got some `Terrain` set up. I painted some rocks onto it with the `DetailMesh` (not `DetailTexture`). The `Wind` settings are at their default, and the rocks are moving around because of the wind. I can turn the wind off completely to get them to stop moving but then what if I want grass and trees?

I loaded up the Island Demo to see if there was anything different done there and I can't see a difference. A few rocks are placed manually (those are the ones the player collides with), but the rest are painted with terrain, and they don't move even when I crank the wind settings all up to max.

For the heck of it I brought the rock `PreFab` into my scene, gave it a `RigidBody` and made it `Kinematic` - then added another `DetailMesh` with this object and painted. The cool side effect of this was these new rocks also squeeze with the wind in addition to moving (it was funny to look at).

I figure this may be a bug, or there's a hidden setting I'm not seeing. I will play around with an empty project and see what I can figure out, but meantime any ideas are appreciated.


well you could try when adding your detail make sure that the RenderMode is set to VertexLit

if that does not work then its probably a bug.