Windows 10 Universal App fails to build when using ' in the product name


I am building a game for Windows 10 and I’ve noticed that Unity fails to build and run the game/app if the product name contains a ’ sign. This is quite annoying since I need this in the name.
I also get an error when building.


Exception: Failed to build Visual Studio project using arguments ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe “G:\Unity3D Games\2D Games\Jetpack_Tom\Builds\Testing3\Tom’s Jetpack.sln” /nologo /maxcpucount /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x86 /p:SolutionDir=“G:\Unity3D Games\2D Games\Jetpack_Tom\Builds\Testing3\” /t:Build /clp:Verbosity=minimal’.
Output: UnityInstallationDir “C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor”.
UnityWSAPlayerDir “C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\MetroSupport”.
UnityProjectDir “G:\Unity3D Games\2D Games\Jetpack_Tom”.
Copying unprocessed assemblies…
G:\Unity3D Games\2D Games\Jetpack_Tom\Builds\Testing3\Tom’s Jetpack\App.xaml(2,5): XamlCompiler error WMC0040: The value ‘Tom’s_Jetpack.App’ is an invalid value for ‘Class’ on object ‘Application’. Illegal character ‘’’ [G:\Unity3D Games\2D Games\Jetpack_Tom\Builds\Testing3\Tom’s Jetpack\Tom’s Jetpack.csproj]
G:\Unity3D Games\2D Games\Jetpack_Tom\Builds\Testing3\Tom’s Jetpack\MainPage.xaml(2,5): XamlCompiler error WMC0040: The value ‘Tom’s_Jetpack.MainPage’ is an invalid value for ‘Class’ on object ‘Page’. Illegal character ‘’’ [G:\Unity3D Games\2D Games\Jetpack_Tom\Builds\Testing3\Tom’s Jetpack\Tom’s Jetpack.csproj]

I’m so sorry about that mess but that is how Unity printed it…

Is there any work around this? If so, please tell me!
And if this is a bug, please fix it.

Thanks in advance!

The issue is related to to having symbol ’ in your product name, change it to Toms Jetpack instead**.**

I know but that is a grammatical error, which is not good.

This symbol is invalid when used in a C# namespace, you can still name an app like this in Package.appxmanifest file.

Thanks. I eventually got that working. But honestly, it is quite disappointing that Unity doesn’t support this out of the box. I hope this gets fixed/added later.

Please submit a but. I agree that this should be fixed.

I have made a bug report by the name “Windows 10 Universal App can’t be built and run if the product name contains a ’ sign”.

EDIT: Just saying that the bug report took ages to upload. I managed to watch the three first Star Wars movies before it was done! I have no idea why it took this long… :face_with_spiral_eyes: