Just got forced to switch to windows 11, now when I hit play in Unity it takes sooo long to run, see below busy for over 7mins, eventually it will run but for each play it does this, this is unusable at this point…
Any suggestions, other than rolling back to windows 10?
who or what forced you?
what else has changed regarding hardware and software?
is playmode slow even in a new project?
did you try deleting the project Library folder?
as for forced, my company forced it (it auto downloaded with no prompts, I rolled back to win 10 and then it forced me to win 11 again)… please don’t ask which company…
using LTS 2021.3.3f1
absolutely nothing else has changed in hardware or software
it has never happened on windows 10, happens every time on windows 11…
created the project from the URP template about 4 months or so ago…
It may very well be, but we can’t fix it without more info (such as a repro or a profiler report showing what’s going on). The profiler would definitely show what’s up.
I have Windows 11 and (for me) it didn’t make any difference in the start time. So it’s not just a simple matter of “Unity is slower on Windows 11”- there must be other factors involved.
Except you can’t. This particular thing happens when you try and enter play mode, it’s extremely intermittent, and when the bar is up, the profiler is inaccessible because you can’t actually click anything in the editor. I know this because the only solution is to either wait for the 10+ minutes it can take for Unity’s code to finish executing or to force quit the editor and just start over.
I know this because it’s happened to me enough times that I’ve stopped counting.
You’d have to be running the Profiler in advance, and if it’s intermittent that’s going to be a pain. Too many times to count could still be days apart. Sounds like it’s happening consistently for @Vanz , though, so they might be able to do it easily.
Have you talked to your IT department to explain the issue and request a fix? I wouldn’t specifically request a rollback. I’d just tell them the problem, and either they can fix it or they’ll come up with that idea themselves. Either way, you win.
As mentioned, only if it was being profiled in advance, and having the editor being profiled literally all the time in the off chance this happens is not an ideal situation.
I have 2 laptops so I’ve given up on the Win11 for now… eventually my second laptop will probably do the force to win11, but I’ve implemented some youtube videos to try and stop it. I can run profiler later and and share the profiler results if this helps… I thought profiler runs once you hit play, it there a way to get profiler running before hitting play?
I did a rollback once on laptop1 and after the rollback it downloaded win 11 again… I might try rolling back to win 10, then implementing youtube vids on stopping the rollback and see if that helps…
unity devs knows about this is a well know issue for them but corporate rules from above most likely force them to act like this is something they never heard off.
you got the infamous unity locks for minutes, hours and sometimes forever bug.
short explanation all versions above 2019 are broken
no actual fix exist just maybe you get lucky with some of the hacks people and I listed in this thread for example.
I’ve actually just moved to unreal because of this and because of another related bug:
you may work for hours in a scene, save that scene, all appears to be fine, but then once you close the editor you lose all work. The editor will not save your work. No windows will show up telling this about. Just your work is gone.
If you are trying to learn game development I suggest either use 2019 or just learn unreal.
Sorry but that’s just ridiculous. Nobody’s acting like “they’ve never heard of it”.
There’s no “THE” bug that causes this. There have been many, and many have been addressed. Fun fact, the common time for entering playmode for various projects is generally sub 10 seconds but there can be a lot of things that cause it to take longer (and these things tend to not be the same across different projects). Just because it visually looks the same (a progress dialog pops up saying the editor is unresponsive), it doesn’t mean that it’s caused by the same thing. It’s generally not. Some we can fix (if we receive a bug report!) and some are caused by code in the project and there’s not much we can do. For instance, one of the more famous deadlock bug is when script code spawns a thread and calls into native code, which blocks. Unity has to wait for all spawned threads to exit before proceeding but if that thread is stuck in native code, we cannot abort it and end up deadlocking.
The thread you linked is great, it exactly outlines what we need to address these issues.
that thread is more than a year world and no solution or explanation was ever posted.
the short bug report is that projects (even new untouched projects) will stop working and you get the loading bar. I’ve seen people reporting same like me, project was working fine for weeks, no changes where added to the files or the codes. Then you get this issue. What bug report can we send to unity, there is not even a crash, the editor become unresponsive and either you get lucky and it unlocks without any error after a few minutes/or 10 20 minutes, or you will kill the editor from taskmanager if it never recovers. There are people showing screens where they left the editor locked overnight for hours.
and to confirm that the projects had no issues, I’ve moved the three projects where I’ve got this to an empty SSD, I’ve actually defragmented the projects just to be sure, and without any changes i was able to open all three projects at the same time and unity worked ultra fast and great with THREE heavy projects opened each with its own editor window.
by this time i was feed up but hopeful and then i’ve got the bug where the scenes are not saved. Which may or may not be related.
People post screens with the loading bar all the time as in this thread and unity staff keep asking for some sort of bug report and whatnot like they never heard off this before.
you may be new to this but this is an old bug that your higher ups know about. I’ve got this last year, I have one year that I’ve switched to unreal, yet here we still are with people reporting this bug.
the unity management even canceled a demo game they paid good money for, when it was at 80% completed because the project files got busted. fired the entire team that worked on that project and managed to disrupt all good will from the user base. believe me they know.