[Windows, 2017.4.22f1] Build does not get passed logos, grey screen and nothing in output_log

I’m experiencing the following recent hurdle :

  • Everything works fine in the editor.
  • When launching the standalone build it’s all grey after the logos. Main scene is correctly set as first in the build settings, always was. The worst thing is that nothing releavant is wrote in the output_log. A OnBeforeSceneLoadRuntimeMethod is executed and that’s it, no awake on the main script, not even sure the main scene gets loaded.

This is what ends the log :

Setting up 4 worker threads for Enlighten.
Thread → id: 5d3c → priority: 1
Thread → id: 1cc0 → priority: 1
Thread → id: abc → priority: 1
Thread → id: 4284 → priority: 1

We’re working on this game for several years and its the first time we’re not able to launch the game and troubleshout it.

One particular asset made an absolute mess in the game couple of month ago by modifying our .meta files for prefabs and FBX. Although most where versionned, it might be linked but not sure how. As there is no message in the log we’re severly blocked. Any insight would be welcome as we’re to demo the game soon.

Anyone having a similar issue ? Grey screen after logo on standalone build ? Even if main scene is correctly set.

So, the issue seems to have fixed on its own, which is weird. If someone goes by the same, here are the things I tried to make it work, although I don’t know which one had an influence :

  • I opened the scene at Index 0 in editor and rebuilded the game
  • I let scene at index 0 in first position in editor even with multiple scene opened.


Do you by any chance have a screenshot of what it looked like?

Unfortunatelly no. But its simply the base grey screen that appears when the first scene is loading after the logo.
I’m still on the fence on what caused the issue. It might also be due to a “corrupted” state of the Temp/Library folder.
The first time we had the issue, was when we used our 2nd project that symLinks “Assets” and “ProjectSettings” to be able to work and build/playtest in the background.
However hard to believe its originating from here because we then tried to build with the main project and had the same issue.

We will try again to build in the background with the symlink project and I’ll report if the issue appear agains.

Happened again. Once again the issue appeared when I had multiple scene in the editor list. Most of them unloaded.

I built again with the following scene list and it worked


I can’t reproduce if I go back to the state the scenes where loaded

Damn, okay. If this happens again, can you go to task manager details tab, find your process, right click it, press “Create dump file” and send the resulting file to me via a PM?

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I sent you a PM, it happened again.

Here’s the callstack for the hang:

dxgi.dll!CDXGISwapChain::PrepareWindowedBltPresent(bool,bool,unsigned int,class DXGITrack<long> &,unsigned __int64 &)
UnityPlayer.dll!GfxDeviceWorker::RunCommand(ThreadedStreamBuffer & stream)
[Inline Frame] UnityPlayer.dll!ProcessGfxCommands(GfxDeviceWorker &)
UnityPlayer.dll!GfxDeviceWorker::RunExt(ThreadedStreamBuffer &)
UnityPlayer.dll!GfxDeviceWorker::RunGfxDeviceWorker(void *)
UnityPlayer.dll!Thread::RunThreadWrapper(void *)

That looks fishy. It looks like DirectX is waiting for some kind of shared resource on your machine (“DwmpDxGetWindowSharedSurface”).

Are you on newest Nvidia driver? Have you observed any kind of hangs in other games? Have you observed this on any other machines? Does this happen if you run the game in exclusive fullscreen mode?

  • I changed my Rig recently (going from 660GTX to 2600RTX) and I’m using 436.48 drivers, that are some of the most recent “game” drivers as they call it.
  • The hang was be happening with previous card as well.
  • Whether in fullscreen or window mode does not change the behaviour.
  • I don’t have another machine to test with right now unfortunately.

Do you suggest I try changing the nvidia drivers for a more stable one to see if this happens regularly again? (I think they call them “studio” drivers).

Another behaviour that I might have noted : When building again in the same folder without removing the build the error appears more often. If I delete the build folder prior too build, it seems it’s working more often. But it might be unrelated as well.

I can’t guarantee it’s a driver issue. It could also be conflicting with software on your machine, or be something entirely unrelated. These issues are usually very hard to diagnose… I assume the CPU usage of the game goes to 0% when this hang happens?

Yes, nothing happens