Windows 7 64bit monodevelop freeze on source code change

Anyone have any solutions for this?

When unity is run via a debugging session in Monodevelop any change to the source code (which forces a recompile) causes Unity editors window to stop responding.

*I can still access the menus but any ‘gui elements’ like the 3d viewports and inspector/project/hierarchy menus are unresponsive.

*If I do something like try to pan or rotate the camera there is no response however if I alt-tab or adjust the unity window position or size it will update the display

This happens on 3 machines I know of which all run Windows 7 64bit.

I just reformatted my machine to try and resolve this issue and it didn’t fix it.

Same thing for me ( seven 64 bit ).

same here. extremely frustrating. have not found workaround.

Problem does NOT seem to exist on Windows 7 32-bit.

has anybody come across any reasonable solution to this? it’s really bumming me out and slowing me down… a lot.

another possible hint. The project window says at the bottom “performing asset operations”. sounds like it’s trapped trying to reimport the scripts…

Same here. :expressionless:

+1 with 64bit on 2 pc’s

Same here - this issue still persists.

Anyone having any luck figuring out what’s going on?

If you haven’t done it yet, send a bug report.

Yes please report a bug!

At the moment they still believe it to be just a technical support issue and not a real bug.

Read this answers post for a solution to the problem.

If you continue to have problems please do file a bug report.

Same problem in Vista x64. but windows7 x86 is ok.:frowning:

While the debugger is connected, the application is running and “locked” (or considered as such although unity pretends its different)
You should not change code on a running app and I consider it a bug that the editor even allows it cause it can’t cope with it either (flood of null refs if you change code while in play mode)

For me, I’m finding I have to add a lot of 32-bit programs into the Windows Data Execution Prevention (DEP) list for them to work correctly.

Unity would always crash upon startup as well until I placed the EXE in the DEP list for trusted apps.

Perhaps you need to do the same for this issue?
