Windows 7 or vista..?

Hi and welcome!

I’m still on Vista and running Windows 7 on another partition but I didn’t get around to move all my data and programs.
But from what I’ve tested I can recommend Windows 7. Especially over Vista.

If you’re going to buy a new laptop anyways and you could choose witch one you get, then Vista would be a bad choice in my opinion. Microsoft is not going to support it for very long due to Windows 7’s success.
And 7 is faster and more stable then Vista.

So unless somebody can come up with a good reason to go with Vista I would go for Windows 7 whenever you can.

if windows its your business , go with windows 7 and never look back 8)

Still using good ole XP. You should REALLY steer away

from Vista. Personally I’d wait for the first SP 1 for Windows 7

before upgrading, paranoid as I am.

fyi: I have a intel quad @ 3.2 ghz and 4 gigs of ram for XP.

back at my former employer i (gamedev) I had a similar rig

but with Vista. I takes all that horsepower to run Vista as it

runs like XP at home. :slight_smile:

Well I used XP,Vista and Windows7 and never had any real issues with any of them, but I would just go with Windows7 in my opinion.

Windows 7 > Windows Vista

In my experience Windows 7 is way more nice than Vista. Vista had some nice features, but they are around in Windows 7 as well.

Windows 7 feels quicker and less demanding on the hardware, so that would be my choice for a laptop.