Unity does not support multitouch on windows 8 and i found some commercial solutions for it. should not unity solve this problem? is there any free solution for this problem?
i think admin changed title to [Windows Store Apps]. it is not just related [Windows Store Apps]. problem occurs on standalone window build too.
Multitouch should work on Windows Store Apps, but you’re right it doesn’t work on Windows Standalone Desktop.
as i understand, multitouch on Windows 8 is related native api and standalone desktop does not cover it like ios does. i still think unity should include this feature to standalone desktop. touch is a part of gaming so multiplatform engine should cover it on all platforms.
This small and free plugin should get any gesture-based multitouch features working, at least on the standalone desktop applications. Haven’t tested with Store Apps though.
thanks for link. i will try it.
This should really be supported in Windows Standalone apps too via Input.touches. There is absolutely no reason why it can’t be and having to add a 3rd party script to handle this via the Windows API is a pain considering Unity has already implemented it for Windows 8 Store applications.
Wow I am amazed at this.
I now have a shiny new Surface Pro 2 and I thought that win 8 standalone games would allow you to detect touch through the same API other touch platforms. I can only guess this isn’t as easy for Unity to fix as we would think, or it would have been done. I see there are several solutions in the asset store, does anyone have any specific recommendations?
Windows 8 and windows stand alone are very different apis and platforms. Windows stand alone is just the same way as working on regular windows using keyboard and mouse. E.g windows 7. They just don’t have multitouch. Win8 is build around multitouch, so it clearly covers touch. If you want to build games with touch on windows, then you should use windows 8 (store apps)
I tried
and I can’t get a single touch to work in consistent way. windows will register the touch with a circle but the example script will work only sometime. (very frustrating) can anyone offer a solid solution for testing touches?
I am just going to bump this.
Does not seem to work with unity 5
Is there any updates or plans to solve this feature ?