Windows 8 Pro RTM and Unity!

Windows 8 Retail was made available to MSDN Subs a few days ago. After an initial bad start with upgrading my Windows 7 to Windows 8 Pro, the second attempt worked, I can report that Unity works just like it did in Windows 7 albeit with a noticeable speed improvement.

That’s all!


There’s that pesky 64-bit warning message still…

Yep! Just follow the link it provides and download the Hotfix from the MS Site!

We’ve had the discussion previously about that warning message. There’s not a Windows 8 fix for that message. Vista/Win7/Win2k8R2…

In the thread, it was never determined whether Unity’s looking for something specific that’s not going to be there because it’s Win8 or if something’s actually missing.

Applying a Win7 hotfix to Win8…could result in unintended consequences.

Given that the fix would have been included as part of the normal update process for Win7 users, you likely never saw that warning message on your Win7 box if you patched and then ran Unity…it’s likely that Unity’s checking for something that’s just not going to be there - there will be no flag to see if the patch has been applied, because with Win8 there was no patch…etc, etc, etc.