Windows newbie questions...


I’ve admired unity3d from a far because I use a windows XP platform, I am now pleased to see that the unity editor is now available on Windows…but now that I have the chance to develop something I find myself struggling to answer the following questions…can someone please enlighten me…

Can I create a stand alone windows mfc exe containing a unity window/control, which I can control from mfc ?

Is it possible to create my own version of the unity activex player, branded for me and with no unity badges/text ?

Am i able to serve objects from my own server ?

Many thanks regards BigFella

There’s no documented way to do this AFAIK, but it may be possible to hijack the rendering by using user32.dll’s SetParent with the Unity player process’ MainWindowHandle.

Haven’t tried it myself yet, so if you get any results, please post them here!

Tried it; doesn’t work - Unity closes down as soon as I try to reset its window’s parent. Don’t know if it’s intentional (hijack prevention) or if it just causes instability in the player. No info in the log file.