Windows phone 8.1 app runs super slow

allo one and all.

I’d browsed through as many pages as I can relating to FPS issue with windows phone but read nothing to that thus I post my current experience to see if someone had a solution. The same app ran to 60 FPS in mi2 android 4.4.4 and iPAD3ios7.1 but only got 15+ FPS in nokia Lumia 520.
From google mostly were asking but no solution.

I reckon unity support team should be able to advise.


Are you using Master configuration ? Alternatively try connecting Unity profiler to your application.

allo tomas
as for your asking is it master ? yes I’d ensured in vs2015 solution configuration the select was Master
as for profiling I’d observe its graphs but they seemed ok is there a way to profile with the device running ?
I had uploaded a snapshot for your perusal.

That looks like you’re profiling editor. You need to profile the phone (and for that you’ll need to use release configuration + enable internet capability in the manifest). There in an “active profiler” dropdown in the screenshot you’ve shown, which should contain your phone as an entry when you run the game in release configuration and internet capability enabled in the manifest.

please advise wrt snapshot what causes to the poor perf ?
the new item i’d added into the project was a single renderTexture and 8 cam sharing it.

daniel lee