Windows Phone 8 Crash with error code 0x887a0005

Every now and again my game will close/crash with error code 0x887a0005
Goggling this comes up with hardware graphics driver faults etc but nothing I can nail down in my game

It seems to happen at random times in the game and there is no reproducible actions, which are the kinda bugs that boils the blood

When it happens the game exits but the debugger remains connected giving the cryptic code above and nothing else. You cannot press the back button at this point to return to the game, it must be restarted

I was wondering if anyone else has come across this as well? and even better has a fix they found?

I use Unity Pro 4.2.1f3 with Windows Phone 8 Platform selected. Visual Studio 2012

I have the exact same error!
This happens when I unlock the phone after locking it.