Where is the windows store module app? cant seem to find it when installing unity and asking which modules i want.
Any help?
It’s now called Universal Windows Platform (UWP).
The name “Windows Store App” (WSA) was changed by Microsoft to “Universal App” around the launch of Windows 10, and all references to it in Unity should use UWP.
Thank you, I figured it out in then end.
But maybe you could help me with something with UWP.
I’m probably way out of my league, it’s my first time deploying to xbox, so I’m learning as I’m going.
Anyway, I have my game running at a solid locked 50fps on xbox (which I’m hearing is a common issue when using UWP with xbox) but the problem is if I go idle for a few seconds, the frame rate drops to 12 fps, the very second I move my character it jumps back to 50 fps.
I’m unsure what could be causing the frames to drop when nothing is happening on screen.
That’s probably something within Unity (graphics setting or maybe something in your scripts) and not a UWP Xbox issue. The best way to investigate/debug perf issues is with the Unity Profiler, which does work with UWP and Xbox; just ensure your UWP build is configured correctly. Also, check if the problem occurs locally (on your PC), which is a lot easier to debug than Xbox.
I can’t seem to get profiler to work qith my xbox despite following tutorials and being on the same subnet. It won’t auto connect, or connect through the IP in the profiler.
But, I’ve narrowed the frame drops down to post processing effects. Not sure qhats going on with them, but qhen deleted the post processing and deploying to my xbox, the frames stay at a steady 60fps.
Make sure that the manifest contains the internet capabilities. There’s a common gotcha that building your project from Unity doesn’t override previous build manifest if you built on top of it. So if you built it without those capabilities enabled and then enabled them in player settings and built on top of an old build, they will stay disabled.