{Windows} Unity version 2019.3.12f1 does not install the jdk module for android build

Hi, as I said in the title; this version does not install the android jdk module. I toggle it to install that module but only creates the folder. That folder is empty. I’ve tried many times; adding again the module, uninstalling the version and installing again… But nothing changed.

I had problems with unity hub’s sdk in the past too, so I’m providing the sdk from Android Studio. But this is the first time that I’ve problems installing the jdk module for android.

I think that is an issue of the version.
Thank you, and sorry my english.
Best regards.

I just reported the same issue. I can tell you the way I got around it. I’ve done this trick before and I had to do it again. You can try to install the JDK, but I find it much easier to simply install Android Studio and copy the address to the JDK once I have updated all the Android Studio files. It allowed me to build my Game. It is a massive overkill but I love auto-installs and auto-updates for files. Like I said it works for me, but you are welcome to try to just manually installing the JDK file on your computer. Good luck.