Windows Universal 10 -- Icon images "not part of the payload"?

I get the following errors when trying to create an app package in Visual Studio:

1>C:\Users\parse_000\Documents\Chromaestro\Chromaestro_winstore\Chromaestro\Package.appxmanifest(19,105): error APPX0703: Manifest references file ‘Assets\cmlogo_71x71.png’ which is not part of the payload.
1>C:\Users\parse_000\Documents\Chromaestro\Chromaestro_winstore\Chromaestro\Package.appxmanifest(18,53): error APPX0703: Manifest references file ‘Assets\Square150x150Logo.scale-200.png’ which is not part of the payload.
1>C:\Users\parse_000\Documents\Chromaestro\Chromaestro_winstore\Chromaestro\Package.appxmanifest(19,50): error APPX0703: Manifest references file ‘Assets\Wide310x150Logo.scale-200.png’ which is not part of the payload.
1>C:\Users\parse_000\Documents\Chromaestro\Chromaestro_winstore\Chromaestro\Package.appxmanifest(19,147): error APPX0703: Manifest references file ‘Assets\cmlogo_310x310.png’ which is not part of the payload.
1>C:\Users\parse_000\Documents\Chromaestro\Chromaestro_winstore\Chromaestro\Package.appxmanifest(18,112): error APPX0703: Manifest references file ‘Assets\Square44x44Logo.scale-200.png’ which is not part of the payload.
1>C:\Users\parse_000\Documents\Chromaestro\Chromaestro_winstore\Chromaestro\Package.appxmanifest(8,6): error APPX0703: Manifest references file ‘Assets\StoreLogo.scale-100.png’ which is not part of the payload.
1>C:\Users\parse_000\Documents\Chromaestro\Chromaestro_winstore\Chromaestro\Package.appxmanifest(20,27): error APPX0703: Manifest references file ‘Assets\SplashScreen.scale-200.png’ which is not part of the payload.

It has a problem with the logos under the package manifest visual assets, but I have no idea how to fix this. I clearly have the referenced images showing in the asset folder in the solution explorer, so why does it say it’s not part of the payload?

I’ve had a problem with Visual Studio getting StoreLogo.scale-100.png and StoreLogo.png mixed up. My solution was to refer to StoreLogo.png in the manifest, and make sure there were at least TWO scales set in two different image files. Eg: StoreLogo.scale-100.png and StoreLogo.scale-200.png, with the second one scaled up to be the right size.

Ah, I see. I think that might be the problem, yes. Thanks!