Windows Update 8.0 to 8.1 problem with APK export

Hi Community,

this week my Windows has got an update from 8.0 to 8.1.
First Unity3D was not running any more and I reinstalled it.
Ok so far.
Now Unity is not able to export runnable Android APKs any more.
I have downloaded the newest “android-sdk-windows” and made all installations with the SDK Manager. Further on I am still using the “jdk1.7.0_45”. As under Windows 8.0.

The problem is that the APK is produced but when I install it at the target device (e.g. BlueStacks Android Emulator, or my Samsung Galaxy S5), the APK is not being installed.

Any Ideas?


hey Garreler,

the first thing i would try is to make sure that you have all the administrative nonsence turned on. Windows 8.1 sometimes seems to be a bit temperamental with that stuff. I would try right clicking on unity and clicking on run as admin. Then try building your project and see if that helps. I am not positive if it will or not, but i think its worth a shot at the least. Let me know if that works, if not ill try and think up some more ideas why it may not be working.