Windows XR Plugin Support For HP Reverb G2 Controllers

Issue Description
After a recent post by Pavoex it has become clear to me that the Windows XR Plugin does not provide input mappings for the Reverb G2’s X/Y or A/B buttons. Currently the InputSystem/DeviceLayout.cs shows that the primary button is mapped to the menu button (line 134). This setup is based on the older Microsoft Motion Controller setup. For the HP losing 4 buttons off a controller setup is a major issue.

How Windows MRTK Addressed It
It appears Windows has addressed this in their Mixed Reality Toolkit using an extension onto their existing setup. Additionally they have made changes in their MixedReality-Unity development branch with a commit that adds native support for the reverb controllers. While these solutions address the input mappings for MRTK, it is not available while using the Unity XR pipeline.

Feature Request
When will the Windows XR Plugin be updated to provide similar support for the HP Reverb G2? This seems like a somewhat trivial fix for a popular headset that was released a few months ago now.