This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types may not be installed or this version of Visual Studio may not support them.
For more information on enabling these project types or otherwise migrating your assets, please see the details in the “Migration Report” displayed after clicking OK.
- NewUnityProject1, “C:\Users\abc\Documents\New Unity Project 1\game\NewUnityProject1\NewUnityProject1.csproj”
No changes required
These projects can be opened in Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without changing them.
- NewUnityProject1, “C:\Users\abc\Documents\New Unity Project 1\game\NewUnityProject1.sln”
Download Windows Phone 8 SDK from here
And after that use if you have problem after that write ok
To resurrect this issue - I have just tried to deploy to Windows 8 Mobile for the first time, the Windows 8 SDK links from Micro$oft now only provide VS2013 Express, which I’ve installed. Unity happily built and generated the necessary files, but VS2013 Express cannot open the VS2012 Express projects generated by Unity3D.
I am on Windows 8 - and VS2012 Express will no longer install being blocked by “Compatibility Mode”, despite jumping through every possible way of turning it off.
Has anyone been able to deploy from Unity and build via VS2013 Express? If so - any ideas how to fix the .csproj Unity makes?
And any idea from the guys at Unity when they can fix up the deployment to work with VS2013?
Microsoft just bought the company that makes the UnityVS plugin that integrates unity into Visual Studio and apparently it will be available for free next week… http://blogs.msdn.com/b/somasegar/archive/2014/06/30/microsoft-acquires-syntaxtree-creator-of-unityvs-plugin-for-visual-studio.aspx