We are a new company based in Voss, Norway. Have a look at our first game Wingsuit Challenge. It’s set in the real world landscape of Fjord Norway (only about half an hour from our offices) at a spot that sees a whole lot of base jumping with and without wingsuits every year.
The game is pretty arcadey and by no means a real simulation, but we’ve had input from wingsuit fliers through the whole dev process and they are happy with the handling as it stands. We were at the extreme sports week in Voss earlier this summer and got very good feedback.
We’ve also built persistent high-scores, replays and facebook integration into the game, which allows you to show off your cool flights to your friends.
We’re very interested in hearing your comments. Play Now and tell us what you think. What’s good, what’s not so good, what you’d like to see in the game in the future.
i gave it a quick play and it is pretty cool, even though i was never doing anything like that in real life i was really bad though, i think it takes some time to get used to it but it was fun anyways.
it’s nice that you have an english version too.
the youtube link of the real life flying doesn’t work for me though
Glad you like it. The closest any of us in the office get to this real life is paragliding We’ve tried to make the flight controls as simple as they can possibly be. Some people pick it up pretty quickly and some people need a few tries. The best trick is to go easy on the controls until you have a decent flying speed (needle on the speed indicator past halfway), and then do small gentle moves.
Sorry about the game defaulting to Norwegian at the moment. We’ll change that over the weekend. I also don’t know what’s up with the youtube link, seems to work from here.
Wow, what are the odds, i just posted for an other wingsuit simulator engine, and here is this game :o it feels very good by the way, but i did not figured out how to land yet Is it the same engine?
Hey, glad you enjoy the game. I guess the other wingsuit simulator engine you refer to is Volo, which also looks very cool. This is a totally separate development from that.
You land (deploy your parachute) by pressing and holding the spacebar. You need to do it before you reach the red zone on the altimeter on the left hand side of the screen.
Just kidding, of course! Great game guys, I played a while ago through a link on facebook, and enjoyed it a lot. Also good to see more people are interested in game-ifying skydiving; it really is a great sport, deserving more coverage than it has gotten in the past.
Cool to hear from you, and glad you like the game I must say I like the character motion in your game. Looks very good.
Any kind of extreme sports is a natural fit for a gaming studio in Voss. There’s a community for most of them (skydiving, paragliding, rafting, kayaking, cycling etc) as reflected in the extreme sports week. It was fun to launch our game as a part of it this year. If you’re into any of those (I’d hazard a guess at skydiving you should come up next year. It’s an awesome event.
We will take the game further, but we have some other projects on the go as well right now, so probably not full steam ahead straight away.
Very nice! Looks good and is fun to play. I do not know if this happened to any others but I got a highscore a few times and it would stop the game in midflight and say gratz you have a highscore and then I would have to start over again. You should be able to keep going. Or perhaps just have a pop-up tell you, you have a great score while you are still flying…
Dont put the parachute and trick under the same button. That is an awful approach to controls, since it can stop the game while the player would want to do a trick.