WINSDKFB for UWP Error When Trying to Open Login Dialog

Has anyone integrated Unity Facebook in UWP ? There is Facebook SDK for Unity but it doesn’t support UWP. I have tried using winsdkfb to show login dialog, but I got an error at LoginAsync. (error attached) I use InvokeOnUIThread from unity so the LoginAsync runs on UI thread.
(Build setting and player setting are attached)

Note: I make empty C# UWP app from visual studio (not from unity) and using same winsdkfb. And the app can successfully show login dialog.

my unity C# code:

private void OnLoginButtonClick()
        SessionLoginBehavior loginBehavior = SessionLoginBehavior.WebView;
        FBSession sess = FBSession.ActiveSession;
        sess.FBAppId = "xxxxxxxx";
        sess.WinAppId = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
        List<String> permissionList = new List<String>();
        FBPermissions permissions = new FBPermissions( permissionList );

        UnityEngine.WSA.Application.InvokeOnUIThread(async () =>
            FBResult result = await sess.LoginAsync(permissions, loginBehavior);
            if (result.Succeeded)
                FBUser user = sess.User;
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("login failed");
        }, waitUntilDone: true);


… or maybe there is another sdk for UWP to login facebook ???


Perhaps facebook SDK requires XAML app type instead of D3D? Did you try switching to that in the build window?

Yes, my build setting is xaml. My screen shoot is error from solution generated by unity uwp XAML type.
(I edit my question with Build setting and player setting are attached)

I’m stuck here, too. Is it resolved?