Space Sim Creation Pack is DaiMangous latest project .
Space Sim Creation Pack is a massive space sim package complete with assets which help you to easily and quickly create your own space sim. The assets can also be integrated into your preexisting space sim project.
I have included PRO Pradar Builder , the #1 radar and tracking system creation tool on the AssetStore , in this package! you can find DaiMangou tools here.
See it in action
What do you get with Space Sim Pack ?
30 spaceboxes (skybox)
3 Complete PLAYABLE levels.
Camera Special effects controller
Dynamic collision effects controller.
UI menu ,HUD,Lock-on component
Pickup component & multiple other necessary components
Everything else you are offering is based on “Likes”; since this isn’t Facebook I don’t see you hitting more than 10 likes on that post. I would just work on a solid product and engage your audience with WIP pictures and such; then people that seem interested might suggest additional content which you can add.
The pack does look interesting; unfortunately I feel that $200 for what is being offered is way overpriced. Even if it contained all features.
So for $200 this package doesn’t even come with textures?
and then you have it again:
Kinda confusing.
…Since there is no way that post will get 100 likes, are you still going to consider producing this package?
btw: The radar system is quite impressive. Great job on that,
As for the likes thing, you are correct, it is usually not likely that we get more than 10 likes .
Which is why I structured the post this way.
Building out tools and assets without knowing if there is a market for it is not wise at all, I cant go by thread views to determine if i do have an audience .
A “like” here is a very easy way of indicating actual interest in something and it literally just takes a click .
So if a persons still cant click “like” after reading the thread then they are really not interested in it.
As for price, you are helping us to determine what is best.
Cost of development is extremely high. Offsetting that cost which proving the best assets is dificult
I get the cost of development is high and all; but most people aren’t interested in spending that much on assets. Sure some are; but its slim. If you price your package more appropriately you will move more licenses resulting in higher profits. A lot of Unity developers are just “Hobbyist” and they wont shell out that kind of dough for a game that they might not be seriously developing. If you released what you are offering for $40-60 you might see licenses moving.
True. But; you can gauge the asset store and see whats moving. Whats popular and so forth; building packages from that information isn’t a bad idea. It’s a bit more reliable than basing off the forums. Since the Unity Asset Store gets more traffic than the forums do.
See now that looks good; much more desirable product.
Its never fun having to bring down prices of a package; but in the long run you have a much higher chance of selling more licenses for your products. Which will in turn result in higher profits.
All in all the product looks good and I’m interested to seeing how this develops as a final product. Best of luck my friend. Keep up the good work.
To be honest I’m actually more interested in the scripting side of it all.
Being a graphic designer I can create whatever art I need; but when it comes to scripting I rather find ready to use solutions which I can build on; since my programming skills aren’t as developed as my art skills.
What I would be interested in is strong enemy AI where you can have large dogfights in space. Fraction vs fraction kinda thing.
Hi, I’m interested in just about any asset that helps with doing space games. My game is fairly well along with most gameplay systems and UI complete; a few missions and side activities are finished. The weakest area so far is the AI.
So my interest is more on the AI and obstacle avoidance stuff. My current space combat AI is functional and “OK”, but it’s a bit boring and obstacle avoidance is pretty primitive. So the most interesting feature to me on your list is:
“Multi ship AI and Obstacle Avoidance controls”
So I’d like to know more about plans for that. Ideally, there’d be a way to make distinct enemy types with their own behavior and “flavor.” Like perhaps pirate ships act independently and are less predictable while military ships fly in formation and coordinate their attacks. That sort of thing.
In terms of obstacle avoidance, it’d be nice if there was a way for AI ships to navigate asteroid fields, etc. Apparently there are techniques for generating curves on the fly to handle that sort of thing.
It is going to be a multi ship AI system so the current AI system being used is being redesigned to give a behavioral uniqueness to any type of ship.
I personally hate having multiple codes in my project. so I wanted one script that i can place on any object and have them behave the way I want them to.
it is great that @Rombie brought this up .
A separate package is now being put together just for this.
as for the collision effect manager. This just produces / triggers camera/sound effects to match the recent collision. several factors are taken into consideration when determining the strength of the effect.
Right now only two ships will be included in the Dogfight Engine package , one of which i will swap out for a better one if that is a concern.
So as you can see from this image .
There is a Obstacle Avoidance component OA and a Artificial Intelligent component AI attached to the selected object.
and in the Dogfight Engine window there are thre tabs . one for setting defining obstacle avoidance behavior ,one for defining AI and the other for creating a new AI system.
an AI and OS component are added to whatever object is selected when you click “Create”
What do you think of this basic interface ?
Does it look simple enough ?
the UI from Radar Builder was used to construct the UI for the Dogfight Engine so you will see the leftover “amount of radars” statement in the UI
Well, there’s not enough there to really comment on. The only thing there is “Amount of Radars” and I have no idea what that means.
Seems like the wrong questions to be asking though. What I would want out of a space combat AI system isn’t a pretty user interface or even a simple one. Or even a UI at all. I’d prefer more of a straight-up code approach and if it needs to be a little complicated to use to allow for interesting behaviors and usable navigation, so be it.