[WIP] Alternator Power: (New working title) Arcade racer for Windows 10, Android and SteamOS+Linux

Hi guys.

This game is neoDash, a futuristic arcade racer for android! in this game, you will be flying over ramps, flinging missiles at your opponents, juggling boosters, and tearing around at a CRAZY FAST SPEED!

(EDITED) Still a WIP, but the game’s current state is starting to match the description now… :wink:
Either way, here are some screens of the game so far (EDITED):

What this game will have at release:

  • Items: (UPDATED!) Shield, Uranium Rod (Name suggested by Baldinoboy. special thanks to him for coming up with this! :)), Missile, Scatter Missile, V-Bomb (A black hole!!!), InfraRed Mine (With tracking cam!), [NEW!] Scatter Missile (A special missile that spawns three others upon hitting a car… ;))

  • Rev Panel: boost your speed by running over these panels.

  • A few decent Single-player modes. (Original decision to have story mode at release was cut, mostly due to the lack of MovieTexture support on Unity Free Below dot point explains strikeout… :smile:

  • ~~Now with Unity 5, I may be able to make this game a lot better performing, depends on if any porting attempts are successful…~~After some fiddling, the Unity 5 port is ready to roll! :slight_smile:

What this game shall have in future, post-release:

  • LAN and Online multi-player (Possibly will be added pre-release! :))

  • More items, if other people wish for more of them! Feel free to suggest power-ups you think would fit this game! :slight_smile:

  • More tracks. atm, I plan on adding 10 tracks to the game initially, but for those tracks that missed out… will be added in these future updates! :wink: ~~I also plan to try and squeeze the entire game into 50 MB if I can for first release.~~So far, due to stage file size, not gonna happen… :smile:

  • After fixing some weird issues, Unity 5 porting has been successful! :slight_smile: So expect some awesome visual changes down the road. :wink:

What do you think? :slight_smile:

I also ask, can any of you do track and car designs? I have a collaboration thread here for cars:

If you wish to contribute to track design, this is the place to go:

NEW: If you want to help beta-test the game (Like one kind Unity Forum User has been doing for me! :)) then feel free to drop me an email at neubot321@gmail.com! :wink:

Oh, and I also forgot to mention: this is (possibly…) my first game! so wish me luck guys! :wink:

Also, who would like LAN/ad-hoc/online multi-player for initial release? Since I wrote a framework for another game, I was considering throwing it into this one straight after everything else is done and ready! The next release of Unity 5.x might have the new API in it, and if so, then I have some re-writing to do… :smile:

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Cool man. I think the hardest part of games like this is the maps. Design open, fun, and living maps and this will be a hit.

By the way instead of Boost Bottle what about Uranium Rod. Could be like the cars are nuclear powered.

@Baldinoboy :

Now THAT’S AN IDEA! :slight_smile:
Once I get time, I will add this promptly! :wink:

And I agree about the maps. the map there you see is a test one. the actual maps should look, feel, and, er, race far better! :smile:

I Know these are not the final maps. Just meant later on in development. Will be difficult but will pay off.

@Baldinoboy : Well, one thing I could ask for is: how’s about you try designing a map? I am not sure if my collaboration thread’s up yet, (still waiting for moderator approval… :smile:) but when it’s up, I will update the first post with a link.

The collaboration thread is there for people to give a shot at designing a track, then posting it there. that way, I can then make a poll/vote on which tracks should make it into the initial 10 to start with. (all other designs will be added in future updates) Sounds cool, right?

(up top ^) I am also planning a similar thing with the car designs, but more on that later.

EDIT: the collaboration thread, I got the wrong way round: the one I posted is actually my car design thread! I will have a track design thread up when I next get the chance, as right now, I’m supposed to be in bed… :smile:

Ok, one more thing to add; a playthrough!

Note you have to download this vid to display it, as for some reason, playing from google drive won’t work… :frowning:

EDIT: Link changed, now it should play in your browser! :slight_smile:

I am busy with things but any time I have I would like to help out. Have not worked with Sci-Fi stuff yet but wanted to give it a try anyway.

@Baldinoboy : cool. I actually banged out a really LONG track last night. once I get around to modelling it, I will post the finished track.

EDIT: also note, the playthrough has a different shield shader, which explains the bubble reflection… :smile:

Ok people, track design thread is up. to access, click link in first post. PM me or post there if you have any questions.

Another playthrough, now showcasing the new speed bar. this charges at the beginning of a race when you press the accelerate button, but too high and… you spin out! :stuck_out_tongue: (This part isn’t finished yet!)
I also plan to speed up the cars a bit more, as I think this is a bit slow for a sci-fi game, don’t you think? :smile:

Man. Is really playable already. Really nice.

…And about to get both a drift and rocket start mechanic! :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, what do you think of the sounds? (Also, was the sound on when you viewed it? :smile:)

The sound was on and was good.

Cool! BTW, added primitive drift mechanic. now for tuning and particle decoration… :stuck_out_tongue:

Now drifting & rocket start are complete!

I also added the speed bar (more like a speed coil… ;)) and a basic form of jostling. (not really noticeable though… :smile:)


Time to check the tracks thread guys, I uploaded rendered images form blender! :slight_smile:

New playthrough!

  • Drifting is now more mario-kart style
  • sped up cars to 24 units
  • speed fx. now edges of screen streak when running over rev panel. FOV also changes dynamically with speed.
  • increased player count to 12.
  • added GUI Skin to actual game script (Was only on main menu and options menu before!)
  • Missiles make gong-electric explosion sound when it hit’s an opponent. This is easily heard throughout the race, as players/AIs take each other out… :smile:
  • The AIs now turn in mid-air again. Also, AIs use items more viciously. (meant to increase difficulty, as the AIs were too soft… :smile:)

Video link: Desktop_2014_09_17_12_36_09_144.mkv - Google Drive

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Looks really good man. The ai are presenting a challenge. That is always important.

Instead of the car going up in the air you should just lose traction for a few seconds. Each missile should do more damage, depending on the cars strength, and eventually explode.

When I can design a track what do you think about flying. You do not have to make a flying script. I can just put a track and remove the mesh renderer. So you would be flying through a metropolis.

@Baldinoboy : flying… maybe I can consider that in the updates that follow, but for now, I am having issues with performance on my Pendo Pad, and need to fix them. (It’s CPU-bound, and that is probably because all the cars use rigidbodies… :smile: Also mean’t I had to drop the number of players to 6 again, as it was doing 9fps on 12… :()

It appears at this point that the only major physics component I could change to in order to increase performance is a character controller, but I have had bad “bouncing” experiences with those… :eyes:

If I did make the change properly, however, I could apply artificial gravity, and use a stabilizer, and that would fix the cars flying up into the air. (All those times they flew upwards… wasn’t supposed to happen! :smile:) and having the car stabilizing to the plane would eliminate the bouncing too.