[WIP Asset] Dynamic Cursor with Animation Support

Hi everyone,

I’m currently developing a new asset designed to enhance cursor customization and virtual cursor functionality in Unity. This asset focuses on making it easier to dynamically change cursor images during gameplay, with support for animations and several special behaviors—especially for virtual cursors.

Key Features:

  • Dynamic Cursor Management: Simplifies the process of changing cursor images at runtime.
  • Animation Support: Cursors can have multiple states, each with independent animations for smooth and immersive transitions.
  • Context-Aware Cursors: Automatically switch the cursor image when hovering over UI, 2D objects, or 3D objects.
  • Scene Brightness Detection: Change cursor color dynamically based on scene brightness, ensuring visibility in different lighting conditions.
  • Idle Cursor Management: Optionally disable the cursor after a set amount of time without interaction (e.g., no clicks or mouse movements).
  • Input System Compatibility: Works seamlessly with both the Unity “old/legacy” Input System and the New Input System, handling clicks and interactions out of the box.

Virtual Cursor Integration:

While the primary focus is on managing cursor images, animations, and behaviors, the asset includes a functional base for virtual cursors in example scenes. You can use this base as is or customize it to fit your unique requirements.

Testing Note:

Currently, for testing purposes, I’m using a cursor image from another source. This is only a placeholder and will not be included in the final release. The asset will support custom cursor images that you can easily integrate into your own projects.

Current Status:

This is not the final version yet, but it’s nearing completion. I’m planning to add a few more features and polish the system further. Comprehensive documentation will also be created before release.

I’m targeting a release on the Unity Asset Store by the end of the month.

Suggestions & Feedback:

I’d love to hear your thoughts! If you have any ideas, feature requests, or feedback, please share them. I’ll do my best to incorporate what I can into the asset.

Thank you for your time, and I hope this asset becomes a valuable tool for your Unity projects!

Best regards,
João Victor Kaian