[WIP - Beta] 🌶️ Vibe - Visual Custom Inspector Builder | Looking for testers!

:point_right: Looking for testers. Signup link here. See you in your inbox.

:hot_pepper: Vibe is a simple, no-code, custom inspector builder that lets you quickly add features like buttons, groups, foldouts, sliders, and more to your components.

Why :hot_pepper: Vibe?

  1. Visual, no-code solution. Iterate quickly and see results without waiting to recompile.
  2. Quick to learn. Drag and drop interface. Categorized features and search.
  3. Standard Asset Store EULA. Regardless of studio size, revenue. Same rules for all developers, forever.
  4. Keep your code clean. No need for messy attributes. No dependencies.
  5. Clear division of responsibilities. Your code contains game logic; Vibe’s config decides how a component is displayed in the Inspector.
  6. Can be used alongside other custom inspector assets. Decide per component which solution to use.
  7. Full source code access and rich documentation.
  8. Made with good vibes in mind by an Asset Publisher with 8+ years of experience. :pray:
