Here is a 7MB Quicktime of my Unity iPhone game by pitting the CPU vs CPU, set to some background music I was listening to!
The final game will appear different as it will have the options of 2 Player or Player vs CPU. The CPU vs CPU shown here is just for dev testing; but it goes more quickly so you can get the idea. In addition the GUI and HUD will look quite different. The camera action will be smoothed out will look at lot more polished.
Quicktime 7MB:
Any comments or encouragement welcome!
Looking pretty good, I understand it much better with the video. About the AI; if it’s a “Chickie 1” and the AI has two dominoes with a 1 on it, how does it decide which one to play? Does it plan ahead or just grab the first one in the stack?
Currently it just plays the first available. Not much of an AI yet, actually.
But there are a lot of strategies in chickenfoot and I am going to implement as many of them as I am able (within reasonable time) in the AI. Also it will handicap to let new players win a few rounds more easily.
Playing a chickie (double) give you a lot of control over the gameplay, especially if you are able to time it.
The lower # of points wins, so in general you try to get rid of your highest ranked dominos first. You can also count the dominos played, and hoard a low ranked double plus enough matching bones to win the round. Or you can cover high ranked dominos and prevent opponents from playing say, the double-6, sticking them with 12 points. That kind of thing.
A variant that will be a player preference/option, is that double-0 counts for 50 points instead of 0 points. That changes the dynamics because you of course want to get rid of double-0 asap.
Added some screen grabs for folks who don’t want to mess with the QT download.
If there is a collision between branches as you can see about to happen the Chickie-1’s shot above, the graph will adjust it’s layout automatically when a that slot is played.