[WIP] Flipd - Memory Matching Card Game with Dark Comedy 3D Adventure

Hello! We, Flubberknuckle Studio, would like to present Flipd, our memory matching card game slash 3D dark comedy adventure game!

The synopsis for Flipd goes thus:

“Welcome to the wonderful and twisted world of Flipd, a psychological romp into the wonders of scurvy, the horrors of Vitamin C and how being stranded on an island with only a children’s card game can somehow be more horrible than simply being stranded on an island with nothing at all. You are stranded on a lonely island with only a broken loudspeaker, a bunch of random debris, a deck of waterlogged cards and the looming threat of vitamin deprivation for company. It’s a good thing that waterlogged card game you have is that of the world’s greatest card game, FLIPZ! You couldn’t be happier! Really, you couldn’t. Why not stay and play a game? Or two? Or a thousand? Food and shelter can wait for a while longer. It’s not like it would hurt you or anything, right? Even the broken loudspeaker agrees with you. You feel like you could just stay here forever.” Struggle to stay sane(and fail horribly) as you play this bright and cheerful memory-matching card game with a twisted and dark narrative."

The island is actually quite huge, and the story mode will use all of it.

A battle invitation. When the game is completed, you will be able to accept these from the various imaginary denizens of the island.

Flipd has been in development for the past five months(since January 2015) and is scheduled for release in the fourth quarter of 2015. It’s being developed using the Unity3D game engine, and is set to feature a story mode with full voice active and a fully explorable tropical island, while also featuring the Flipd card game, a surprisingly fun multiplayer versus memory matching game that is sure to be a hit at parties.

Great strides have been made since January, including the completion of the core card game play, the sculpting of the entire Flipz Island (which is available to explore for free on the demo at our blog, Flubberknuckle.com), the scouting of several voice actors and the procurement of the visual Unity assets needed to make the tropical island shine. Updates will come several times a week and will be posted on our various social medias, including this thread!

That’s all for now, stay tuned for updates! Be sure to check out http://flubberknuckle.com/wordpress/flipz/flipzdemo.html to play the current build for free!

May 17th Update

Hello all! It’s been one week and I’d like to thank everyone for the support shown to our project! Without the help of our fans, family and friends, this project of ours would have never gotten the steam it needed to be turned into a true full-time endeavor. We at Flubberknuckle are eternally grateful for all of your support.

And now, the update!

A lot has happened in the last few weeks. The island’s size has increased, AGAIN, this time boasting a new Archipelago area to the northwest of the island, a new Slums area where the poorer residents of the island will reside, and a new beach to the west of the island whose shipping containers explain where some of the material used to make much of the island’s machinery came from.

We have also made a physical version of the Flipd card game (that can be bought here: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/flipd) and hired our first voice actress!

As always, the island update is free to explore on our blog, http://flubberknuckle.com/wordpress/flipz/flipzdemo.html. Drop in, play the game and tell us what you think of it!

The path to the slums.

The archipelago area. You’ll need a boat to get there. I wonder what’s gonna be hidden there…?

The island so far. It’s beginning to look really, really good!

Another week and another new update, this time adding a Marketplace to the slums! This will be the place to go to purchase in-game goods or upgrades like new card decks, art, graphics, music, stages, etc–assuming you have the oranges for it and have found the merchant somewhere on the island…

As of now, the merchant system is not yet implemented though and won’t be for a little while. In the coming weeks, we’ll be working on our Kickstarter and Voice Actors, starting off with having them voice our kickstarter video!

Below is a few snapshots of the Slums Market as it is right now.

Big changes since the last update!

Rare sight of Flipd in its natural workspace.

First and foremost is the new main menu, which uses 3D gameplay on a small island as a main menu. Looking at and clicking upon any of the items on the desk will activate the menu’s various options, of which only a quickplay and the story mode is available for now. This was actually the original vision for Flipd; everything in game would happen upon that island. However, as our talents grew, so did our ambitions and we ended up wanting to make a larger island with a full story behind it. And speaking of that story that brings me to the second big thing…

We have voice actors! Yes, the kind community over at voiceactingalliance.com have answered our call to help us bring this twisted story to life! We now have voice actors for the major characters of Chapter Zero, those characters being Lebowski the mob boss and his goons, Larry and Drummond, Boxxy the resident teenager, Anne the obnoxious announcer, the entire staff of Faux News, Robert Coconut the cowardly middle manager and Oxford Shoe, resident psychologist. The script for chapter zero is finished(and what a job that was) and sent, and the voice actors have entered production.

This is really shaping up to be a great endeavor for the team at Flubberknuckle! As always, the game in its current state is available for play on Flubberknuckle.com. Stay tuned till our next update!