WIP FPS Game (Zombies, Menu)

Been working on a game based off of the Ultimate FPS Camera. I’m mainly a programmer, so modeling and animation is something I’m still not very good at, so that camera and assets have been very helpful.

Basic features so far are:

  • Menu, lets you change controls (cinput), graphics settings, and auto-reload or no
  • Beretta AK47
  • Looking Down Sights
  • Zombies (react to being shot and get money for killing)
  • Player damage
  • Weapon buy (not shown here, but can buy a weapon, similar to the cod zombies gamemode)

A couple things not shown here:

  • Entering/exiting vehicle (from Car Tutorial)
  • Enemy turret
  • Explosive barrels

Those features are in a basic level I’ve been using for testing new features, I’ll put that one up later as well to show some of those.

Still working on some of the states (such as reload), but after that is feeling better, I’m planning on posting a webplayer up. Until then, here’s some screenshots:

What’s with all these zombie games these days? damn haha.
This looks great though! cool assets, nice lighting you got going on there too, keep it up! :wink:

Lol thanks! Yeah, figured zombies would be a good starting point, seeing as they can’t shoot back, just melee, so it was easier to implement their damage into the player. Would like to get some normal human enemies in at some point down the line as well.

I like zombie games :3 Looks good mate.

I’ve put up two webplayer demos, one with the sandbox/test map, and the other with the survival map shown in the screenshots.

Survival Map: Landing Page
Sandbox Map: Landing Page

My main goal for this project is to get a working fps layer, with entering/exiting vehicles. I’m thinking of using this to create a sandbox game of some sort down the line, with differing gamemodes like this zombie survival mode, and puzzles as well. Also, I’m wanting to implement multiplayer at some point.

Both maps have the same weapon and damage features.

The sandbox map has a vehicle, enemy turret, city with stairs that can be used, explosive barrels, breakable crates, and some breakable brick walls (can run the car through them for example)

The zombie survival map has the zombies (of course), with hit and attack animations, money for killing the zombies, a MP5 which can be purchased (it’s attached to the side of the bus stop), purchasable health pack.

For the survival mode, so far I’m wanting to add wave-based attacks (so kill the wave, get a breather, new enemies spawn), more weapons, death animation, and possibly barricades, thinking of new things along the way.

I’m also looking at for the puzzle mode, one mode could be a timed track using the vehicle, being able to compare times with others and such.