[WIP] [FREE] Deform (Prototype) : Realtime mesh deformation system

Deform is a framework for deforming meshes in the editor and at runtime that comes with a component based deformation system build on top. If you don’t want to make your own deformers, it comes with many standard ones you’d find in 3D modeling packages.


  • Runs in edit and play mode
  • Multithreaded (optional)
  • Meshes can be saved
  • Deformers can be stacked and reordered
  • Works with skinned meshes (kinda)
  • Easily Extendable

Built-in Deformers

  • Bend
  • Color Mask
  • Curve
  • Cylindrify
  • Noise (Value, Perlin, Simplex, Cellular, Cubic)
  • Pivot To Bounds
  • Pivot To Center
  • Ripple
  • Scale Along Axis
  • Scale Along Normal
  • Sine
  • Skew
  • Spherify
  • Squash and Stretch
  • Taper
  • Texture Mask
  • Transform
  • Twist


Very very nice! The speed is any good under mobile?

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Mobile might not be the best place for this. You could probably get away with using it on very low poly models, but since the performance would vary so much from phone to phone, I’d avoid it. Treat it like an advanced shader - probably not the best choice for mobile.

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WOW, this is truly amazing stuff, can this work with a collider/rigidbody, i.e softbody physics? Also can we use this in commercial projects?

I can have it work with colliders pretty easily. I’ll push changes to support that later today. I don’t think it’d be great for softbody physics. It’s a bunch of stackable effects, not a simulation. And yea you can use it commercially for whatever you want.

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Cool, if it can work with colliders that is good news, then combined with a rigidbody I imagine it could act as a softbody, hmm, sounds like it’ll work, got to try this!

Hi,this is a great asset! Thank you for making it free,
Can you please tell me how to make it work with colliders?

Are you using the version on the master branch? If you are, there should be a field called ‘meshCollider’ on the DeformerComponentManager.

Hi, just a question if ok, can I control only certain vertices with your modifier, not the whole object?

There’s a deformer that masks any changes made by previous deformers based on vertex color so you could use a mesh with vertices painted red (or green/blue/alpha) where you don’t want the deformer to operate. You could also edit any of the deformers and multiply the effect by the vertex color yourself.

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