Roughly two weeks ago I started that little side project as prototype, about sandbox hovercrafts.
See quick vid in next post.
This project is a prototype, for my other bigger project, in which I want to test options, possibilities and limitations.
Project aim is, to allow players build own simplistic and futuristic hovercrafts, which can travel around the planets. Yes, planets as plural. See video, where hoercraft flies between one and other planet, by escaping gravity pull of one planet and entering into gravity of other planet. In fact Hovercraft as construct, is under gravity influence of all planets, at any given time.
Player Goal
One of player goals, is to capture hexagonal tails of planets.
These tiles will generate score and probably will be source of resources, for which will permit to build more etc.
Hence more captured tails = more resources.
I would like see, where this project may go.
I may add more description over the time, if I find a time.