[WIP] Legendary Journeys: The Eye of Baal

I’ve been hacking away at this game for a little over a year now in my spare time. I’ve finally decided to let the public see it and get some feedback on what I have so far. I have created a steam Greenlight Concepts page to do just that. Steam Community :: Error

The game is a high fantasy RPG set in the world of Ebbon. It is classic turn-based combat with free roaming exploration (think Might and Magic 6). The Might and Magic series, Everquest and Dungeons & Dragons (pen & paper) were my inspiration. Actually, the main quest line is from one of my campaigns that I designed and never got to run.

Pre-Alpha video footage


PS: Can’t figure out how to make the images display in the thread :stuck_out_tongue:

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Cool. Keep updating here.
Im not fond of the black UI popups but it looks like you have a lot of time to rework that to be more visually appealing and user friendly.
Maybe consider a radial selection like in any of the bioshock games.

Nice work so far.

I’ve been going back and forth on the interface for a while now. I went with this as it was easy and quick to implement.

Thanks for the feedback.

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For anyone interested in play testing the alpha demo with bugs, unfinished areas, etc,. here is the link for the download

Takes about 1.7 GBs for install.

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Here is an updated demo with some bug fixes and changes based on some feedback. Also, finished texturing and populating the Tower of Shadows zone.


Created an album for viewing updates. Legendary Journeys - Album on Imgur

Finally, created a facebook page until I get time to get a proper website up and running. I just started posting updates there as well.

For anyone following this thread:

I started a Steam Greenlight campaign.

Maybe someday it will make it.

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