WIP Modern Military Shooter

I am working on a Modern Military Shooter (No name yet).
Here is a youtube video showing some animations attached to the guns.

Please tell me how it looks so far, I’ve only been working on it for 1 day.
Please tell me what to add/change.

PS: I know the animations aren’t that good.

Like you said, I would make animations smoother. I would also make aiming occur a bit faster. It’s very slow for a modern FPS. At this state, though, I really can’t tell you to change much more than what you likely already have in mind - better grass textures, a sky texture, roads, cover and buildings, etc.

Okay thank you! Your feedback is very helpful!

Looks fine after 1 day.Is it going to be SP or MP?

If I can find out how to make it MP, it will be both, if not just single player.

i had this kind of experience before… try to make the MP first…its easier turning an MP into SP than SP to MP.

How do I make it MP? Is there a tutorial someone can link me to please?

This has been bugging me. [Off-topic somewhat… sorry samaxi] As someone who is not code-savvy, how would you smooth the mouse move for such a project shown in these vids?
YouTube-Yaboiicey-Auto-Exposure video
YouTube-David Hammack HVAC Simulation video

There just seems to be better mouse fidelity than the default FPS controller(?)

Kridian, please use the Unity Answers, which can be found here: Unity Discussions - A Space to Discuss All Things Unity

Check the networking forum, Quill18 has an entire series on using Photon to make games multiplayer, plus there are some other ones as well. Worst comes to worse, search for “Unity3d networking” or “unity3d multiplayer” on Youtube.