[WIP] My adventures into Low Poly Art/Game Design

So, I have finally decided to take the time to use Unity and 3d modelling software more seriously - instead of opening them and then getting overwhelmed after toying for a short time. To not return for a longer time. (I’m sure we have all been in that place one time or other… :p)

Decided to make one of these here ‘WIP’ thingy’s to help the motivation. Over the coming time - I will upload my journey into model design, Texturing and breathing life into levels, art and characters alike.

So enough bore - pictures galore.

(All assets are created by myself only, except Ethan model - used courtesy of Unity Standard Assets)

I hope you enjoy this blog of sorts and I look forward to feedback in any shape or form.

Thanks Guys!


Looks good :slight_smile: Good luck and keep us informed

Looks great! Keep it up :slight_smile:

Looking good.

Have a look on youtube for “PigArt low poly”, they do some really good looking low poly work using blender and put up the timelapse recordings. Good inspiration if nothing else :slight_smile: but you might get some tips and tricks from watching the workflow.

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Looking good :slight_smile:

Thanks guys for your encouragement…

@LeftyRighty - I already checked PigArt out before, I agree some awe inspiring/motivation killing* low poly stuff.

  • Delete as appropriate :stuck_out_tongue:

@angelo90 - 2d shooter pigeon with AK is a crazy idea. Had a look through last night and enjoyed chuckling at Rambo pigeon/Expendabirds etc. :stuck_out_tongue:

I keep thinking about a water style block, wondering if it would be better to have animated water plane or standard water style tiled blocks! Hmm, is there any advice on cartoon type water? I tried Unity’s water tools yesterday - while insanely fantastic, it is also too real. Even when changing the colour of the skybox to reflect a much darker toon-ish style blue.

Had a 10hour shift today so have not got much done I’m afraid.

That said, I have a cuppa on my desk and a quiet house, this means creation time…

heh, thx for checking my thread out :slight_smile: i’m very glad you enjoy my crazy game idea! hehe :smile: expendabirds, i love it! :stuck_out_tongue:
and tbh i have no idea of how 3d stuff works in unity, so can’t really give you any ideas of what to do (except i would probably draw out animated water for 2d, but thats another story xD ) but what u’ve done so far looks good, keep the same style :stuck_out_tongue:

Quickly knocked together a little water tile as a tester. Obviously not animated…


shouldn’t it have some water showing on the sides?

@LeftyRighty - you are correct. I just quickly threw this tile together last night just to test the tiled texture. Currently redesigning the tile. Do you think the texture itself looks ok?

I think the texture is a bit to complex compared to the rest of the environment. Does not look bad, just dont fit in as good as it could do i think : )

@virror - Before heading out for work today I managed to finalise a nice - in my opinion art fitting - water tile. I agree with you that the other one was to ‘busy’ for the low poly simple look I am working towards.

Hope you all like. Don’t forget to check out my Website and Facebook too :stuck_out_tongue:

Evening folks,

I have completely changed the water tile again to one that fits in perfectly. I will upload a photo of this shortly.

But for now, I had a little play around tonight and knocked up a quick Low Poly bridge:

Put together two texture maps as you can see. My aim is to make several different style of bridges to be used across various levels in my future game plan!

I hope you all like the art style I am going with so far.

Afternoon all, [Large Update]

I am now on holiday from my job, so am able to focus a little bit more on getting my environment assets set up.

I have been working on tiles and assets, so now to show you what I have so far:

Above is a low poly Rope Bridge, this comes in around 600 odd polys. Both rope and wood texture I created myself using the ‘Fibre’ ability in Photoshop. Fairly please with the end result too :slight_smile:

Above is both a low poly Rope Bridge and it’s damaged version also. Both these have now been submitted to the Asset Store for approval :slight_smile:

As stated previously, I have now changed the water tile. Below displays both the water tile and my sand tile also:

Looking for feedback on the sand. Do I keep it as is with the rock bottom half, or create one full sand tile?

Finally below is a little environment I have set up to show these in use:

I think the bridge may be a little bit over saturated for a general use asset, but it looks good in your environment.
The sand looks a little too overly yellow to me I think. May want to divide the yellow with some tan to soften it.

I’d say yes about keeping the rock bottom. I don’t think you want to have a lot of variation on the sides of the tile, to distract from the focus which should be the top of the tile.
Oh - your water looks a lot better from the previous examples too.
Nice work!

Here is the current state of my tiles:

@theANMATOR2b - as you can now see I have dumbed down the Yellow for the sand. Think it is to dull and dark though?

I will be making little mock up scenes to display each tile sets in use. To start, Winter is coming:

I have made a little Lava tile and a Dungeon Floor too:

Here is my wood land assets as well:

I need to add more stuff to the Lava realm. Need to make some dead style barren trees etc.

It’s a Beach Life:

I plan on making a large amount of assets for each realm/world but obviously this will be a slow process as I am still learning the ropes in the 3d World…

Hope you all like, and thanks for reading.

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This color may represent sand a little closer. :slight_smile:

@theANMATOR2b - I do agree on that colour for sand. The only thing is I did want to stick to a cartoon look for the sand colour - hence the yellow :wink:

The colour you have replaced the yellow with is what I have in mind for a desert setting later on - although it will be a bit more red-ish to produce a more barren mars type desert :).

I do appreciate your feedback and input though :stuck_out_tongue: Honest :slight_smile:

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haha very cool thread. Looking forward to seeing where this goes!

I like the look of these a lot, good work and keep it up!