[WIP, Open-Source] UndoPro - Command-pattern Undo integration

The Problem
If you’re an editor developer like me you’ve likely already stumbled over Undo. It’s essential for basically every editor extension/tool. But implementing it can be a real pain, because of the nature of the Undo system - you have predefined common actions like creation and deletion of objects and a general purpose modification of objects. That’s it, and eg. recording list changes requires you to record the whole object containing the list, which is often total bullshit because there’s the greatly better, performance-wise faster and less complicated way: An action based Undo system.
There are solutions like VFW by vexe… But until now they were all seperate systems that required the developer to force their users into a new workflow, as the common shortcuts were used by the default Undo system.

for TL;DR:
The Solution
So I’ve tried hard and worked on an integration of the Command-Pattern (or Action-based) Undo system into the default Unity Undo system. It is in a mostly stable state, although new changes could at any point throw the tracking off - at which point the undo might trigger not at the original intended record, but a few off (but it will always trigger).



  • Extended Callbacks for Undo: Undo/Redo seperated, OnAddUndoRecord, …
  • Add action-based undo records with both undo- and redoactions
  • Includes a pretty solid and stable serializable action
    → Supports all serializable objects (of both UnityEngine.Object and System.Object) and unserializable objects partially (one layer serializable member serialization), all other objects get defaulted
    → Supports even most anonymous actions (no unserializable found yet)! You can fully use the context and reference nearly all local variables (conditions outlined above apply)!

Functionality behind
Provided about the default Undo system is only the current ID (not unique for a record, but a steadily increasing one), the current group name and with reflection the complete Undo/Redo stack only by name (not unique). As the behaviour of the default Undo system is nearly unpredictable (records may duplicate in certain conditions when undone/redone, or vanish), it is very hard, but a requirement to make a solid tracking algorithm. Additionally, the addition of new records has to be detected.
I’m making use of Update to check for new records and the UndoRedoPerformed callback to query the stacks for the undone/redone records. Then I’ll update the internal UndoPro records, represented by a dummy record in the default undo system, accordingly.

UndoPro gives two fundamental capabilities to enable an command-based undo pattern:

  1. It integrates custom undo records into the default undo system by creating dummies, and keeping track of them in order to trigger the provided undo/redo function whenever it’s associated dummy record is called.
    This by itself could support a separate undo system through static function calls, but we want more than that - a command based system - so:
  2. Instead of static functions, anonymous functions are also supported, so that each record can keep it’s own data encoded into the anonymous functions.
    Why is this a big deal? Static functions only tell you ‘Undo that’, without context and associated data (e.g. undo node delete, but without knowing which node, what it was connected to, etc.).
    Instead, you can choose data to be stored alongside the action.

Of course, conditions apply. That data has to be explicitly assigned to own local variables right before the anonymous action is defined (in the same command level, e.g. if-block, as well!) to ensure it is correctly serialized.

ConnectionPort port1 = this, port2 = port;
    () => port1.TryApplyConnection(port2, true),
    () => port1.RemoveConnection(port2, true),
    "Create Connection");

Would be valid (stored data: two SerializableObjects in this case),

ConnectionPort port1 = this, port2 = port;
        () => port1.TryApplyConnection(port2, true),
        () => port1.RemoveConnection(port2, true),
        "Create Connection");

would be invalid. It would result the variables to be stored elsewhere, which can give complications.

As for the TYPE of the variables, these are supported:
UnityEngine.Object, Serializable System.object, ICollections of aforementioned things, unserializable types with serializable members
And these are NOT supported:
Nested Lists, Non-serializable structures (e.g. Vector2)
Null-values are supported, if a type is NOT supported, it will be created to its default state.

Why is serialization important?
These actions have to survive script compilations and playmode change (not scene change), so they need to be serialized.
Note that your references WILL be broken, so if you care about references, use ScriptableObjects, which will retain their reference (Provided that they still exist after the reload, as for the NEF I had to change a bit to comply to this restriction).

Usage Example
A comprehensive example provides the implementation of Undo in the Node Editor Framework

Current Problems
As of now, there are no constellations that break the tracking system of UndoPro

Any feedback welcome!

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I’d be happy to take a look at it since we did alot of Editor extensions in the past for projects It would be nice to see what you have cooked up.

Ok, I will cook a unitypackage this evening when I’m back home:)

Sorry for the late reply. I attached a bundle with the beta:)
I previously mentioned known issues regarding playmode change, but I seem to have fixed that fortunately. I currently find no way of breaking it, it survives playmode changes, script reloads, anomalies regarding reparenting the selected object, etc… and on scene change, the stack is cleared, just as it should.
If you find anything that breaks it, please tell me!

Note: It is considered as breaking when the tracking failed, means in the test window the index of the internal record (bottom) does not match the corresponding tracked record in the default system (top). That would result in a shifted triggering of the custom record:(

It may also help to enable debug, just uncomment the #define UNDO_DEBUG in UndoProManager.cs!
I also included two test windows, one regarding Action serialization and the other that enables you to quickly create action based undos and debug the stacks.

Hope you will find it easier to work with than the standard undo system:)

2664953–188040–UndoProBeta1.unitypackage (11.5 KB)

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Looks pretty good. Few questions though:

  1. Are you planning to make it available on GitHub (given that it’s an open source project)?
  2. What’s the license of the project? Do I need to pay for it to be implemented into commercial editor extension (e.g sell it on Asset Store)


I’ve not thought much about the license, but I’ll probably set it up on GitHub, under the MIT license (similar to the Node Editor Framework project). I won’t take any money because I think it’s more like a fix than a feature;)

Did you already test it, and what do you think?

Didn’t get an opportunity to try it yet. I promise I will :wink:

What’s the recommended Unity version? What Unity version did you use?

I used 5.3.5f1, though it should be compatible with most versions (atleast past 5.0).
Scene stuff for example should also be compatible with < 5.3

I set up a repo for this project, check it out here:slight_smile:

Hi Seneral! First of all let me thank you for solving such a pain as unity’s Undo system.
But I’ve got errors after assembly reload.
How to reproduce:

  1. Window->SerializableActionTest
  2. Create some actions
  3. Create script in the project view (to force assembly reload). Got about 52 errors after deserialize.


The same happens after turning playmode on.
And UndoPro clears after unloading scene.
Maybe setting hideflags would help but not sure it’s the best way solving it.

I just tried but cannot reproduce this problem, everything is serializing fine for me. It’s most probably platform specific, can you tell me your unity version, target platform and operating system?
For reference, I’m using 5.3.6 f1, but tested it on some previous versions aswell. I’m on Windows 7 and Build target is Standalone.
Or do you use the new 5.4? I’ll download it now to test, have to do it for my other projects either way;)

You second note, that UndoPro clears on scene change, is actually intended. It’s the behaviour of the default Undo system and it’s also quite logic. Undo records are only important for the current scene;)


Ok tested with 5.4, I was able to reproduce it there. I’ll post updates on the issue thread you posted on the repo:)

Yeah, it’s such a pain =/
Good luck solving it!

Hi Seneral,

I have a problem with “Selection Change” of the Unity undo stack. It is possible to track “Selection Change” in UndoPro Undo stack ? Or don’t track “Selection Change” in Unity undo stack ?

Thank you.


Can you explain in more detail what you mean? Are you referring to the callbacks?

I work in a BehaviorTree editor, and I want implement Undo/Redo system. I implement a switch method in behavior, for example ActiveSequence become ActiveSelector, so I have a custom entry in UndoPro stack and “Selection Change” entry in Unity stack (because Selection.activeObject changed). When I Ctrl-Z, Unity undo only “Selection Change” and I like undo “Selection Change” and custom Switch action with only one Ctrl-Z.

I try lot of thing but nothing work. Are you a idea ?

Thank you

@Fullymetal Ok now I understood:) Basically when a custom record is added UndoPro makes sure the current group is closed, so the added record is one of it’s own. If you don’t know what that means, the Undo records in unity are grouped together so that they will be undone/redone together. This is what you would want in your case… when I prevented this grouping of UndoPro records with others I didn’t think about that case, so I’ll fix this:)

Ok it was as easy as I thought, removing one line did the trick:) But when building an example (in the UndoPro test window) to check if it gets the same effect you want to get, I finally found a solid way to produce an error I was occasionally getting a long time ago. Currently, it only throws a warning, but now that I am able to reproduce it, I can get on fixing it.
It is very nasty, basically what happens is that when undoing, a random record gets added (usually SelectionChange), so that on the undo-stack when there are 3 records removed at once (when they are grouped), 4 records would be added to the redo stack… it only now affects the system now when I did the change to allow UndoPro records to be grouped with normal records - because if these normal records would trigger that bug, the UndoPro record that was grouped with them may have been shifted.
If you don’t want to wait for me to fix the bug (it won’t affect every record with the grouping enabled), then in line 168, uncomment Undo.IncrementCurrentGroup (); :slight_smile:

Thank you very much Seneral.