So I’ve been working on this pixel sprite pack for a while now, and I feel like it’s starting to shape up nicely. The plan is to put this on the Asset Store as a texture pack, though I may go as far as including a small demo of a game with a test level.
So far I’ve got a bit over 500 sprites, depending on how you count them…
I’ll probably be expanding the spritesheet for the particles a bit, as well as possibly creating a few particle FX. I may also be creating a character and possibly a few enemies with some common animations.
What do you think about the pack? If you have ideas for extra items, worlds, etc. I’d love to hear from you!
Some very good pixelart there! I think the stars (big & small one) could use improvement, the edges don’t line up right Maybe for added content in the pack itself or as addons, some themed tiles, like a desert theme, water theme… You know, as in Super Mario World 3.
Thanks, and yes- I agree with the stars. I’ll try to improve them.
Themed tiles sounds cool, can you explain that a bit more?At the moment, each world has it’s own spritesheet with themed ground tiles, as well as detail sprites like trees, grass, rocks. The castle for example has a chandelier, while the desert has palm trees and cacti.
Oh, guess you got me there. I only looked at the first big spritesheet, didn’T even notice the screenshots. Seems like you got some themed variations already covered
There are no underground type of backgrounds included yet, but I’ll add in extra tiles so that you can make tunnels with ceilings. I’ll try to come up with an example of it soon, as well as show off some of the animations.
The playable demo will likely be included in the pack so that you can easily kick-start your gamemaking. Features animated character as well as a bunch of prefabs. All the animated items are saved as prefabs, so it’s as easy as dragging and dropping things into the scene.