Hey all,
This is my first coding project. I am a solo developer. I have worked in the games industry in the past as QA on some AAA titles.
I have been lurking for a while, and messing around. However a few weeks ago I began working on my project and figured I should post up here to keep a log of my progress and allow feedback.
A little about the game…
It is called Planetillary, and it is planetary artillery. Sort of like scorched earth, but in space. With fully customizable weapons.
The gist of the weapons system is as follows:
Each weapon has a pattern. This dictates how it acts after you shoot it.
Pattern example: Straight. The warhead flies to the destination, and upon making contact it releases its stages one by one at the point of impact.
There are 8 warheads per weapon. and 8 stages per warhead, giving you a total of 64 possible actions per shot you fire.
Then there is defenses that work against certain patterns and stages.
It is a fairly complex game, hard to explain, but I am having an immense amount of fun playing it as I go.
I thought I should post a link to the youtube videos in case anyone would like to see: