WIP - Reckless Speed

Just recently started a new prototype. It is still pretty alpha (no sounds, place-holder graphics, missing game logic, etc), but the basic mechanics are in place. I would greatly appreciate any feed-back on it, and whether or not the basics are solid. Particularly on how the controls feel; are they solid, responsive, and predictable? No noticeable bugs/glitches? Also, is the over-all concept enjoyable and fun.

There are, currently, only 3 levels to play through so it should be a short experience.

Criticism is always welcome, and very helpful. Praise makes us feel good, but criticism teaches us what we need to do better. Thank you, in advance, to anyone who plays and posts a response.

LINK TO GAME: www.chaoticheartstudios.com/RecklessSpeed


The concept is awesome! I’m thrilled by this game. Much fun. I think a futuristic design would fit it well. This reminded me of an old racing game P.O.D.

awesome little game.

I always find a first person view disorientating with games like this as its impossible to have any awareness of ones size. I don’t know if its intended but when you jump your locked into the forward direction, you can’t jump sideways, this feels very alien to me. It’s a nice quick and easy game to play, would suit the mobile market for sure. I’m not sure if anyone else experienced it while playing but slamming backwards and forcibly being pushed forward slowly face first into walls made me cringe every time =P

@celinscak: Thank you for the compliments. I am glad it illicited the response I was aiming for. I have never seen/played P.O.D., but I can see the similarities. It, definitely, has a bit of the “vibe” I was aiming for… with a bit of Cannabalt thrown in. I am thinking of going with a futuristic design, as it is the one I think fits the best.

@Benopaluz: Thank you, thank you.

@Robert-Glen: It is a bit difficult to properly estimate the player-character size. May have to think of something to help with that. Switching perspectives, I feel, would “ruin” some of the thrill involved in barely avoiding a barrier, as well as obscuring too much during the skydive parts.

The “lock-in” to just the Z axis during jump is on purpose, but isn’t yet set in stone. I wasn’t sure which of the three options (lock-in to Z, jump diagonally but locked in once airborn, or free movement even when in the air) would be best. I went with the current one because it allows me to control the player’s progress a bit easier. No “I jumped where I wasn’t supposed to, and now broke the level!” this way. If it ends up feeling too “off” to too many people, I may have to change it.

I am glad you got the “cringe” effect when slamming into a barrier… uhm… as long as it was the “good” kind of cringe. I am trying to capture that same feeling of excitement when doing something dangerous and on-the-edge like bungee jumping, sky diving, street-bike racing, etc. I like where the skydive segments are, but I may need to do a bit more work on the running segments it seems.

Thank you all, for playing and for the feedback. It is much appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from anyone else who has some suggestions/feedback/criticism.

+1 for the ability to steer while jumping (maybe make it less responsive)

Moving obstacles are a good idea but as it is, it makes me cringe in the wrong way : free space to go by them is relatively small and since you move sideways a bit slowly, when you figure out where you should go it is often too late. This leads to the necessity to memorize some parts of the track which is something you should only have to do for hardcore / end-game levels. Probably not for introduction levels…

its a great prototype, love the idea of it.

great game… i liked it…

Hey Chaotic. I really like what you’ve done with the concept, it’s a fun diversion.
I sent you a PM (you may not have been notified).

Hope to hear from you soon :smile:

Looks like it has allot of potential. I could see this being VERY fun and addicting, keep it up.

I also wanted to add that I experienced the problem with “threading” on both of the areas I was required to navigate while skydiving; it felt like I was hitting when I could clearly tell my head didn’t hit the obstacle. Maybe a faux shadow or something would rectify this.

Also, sent you another PM, Chaotic.

Just put up a new build. Same website address as above.


It has a new stage in it, the upgrade menu, and a few other things. It still needs a lot of work, but now you can kind of see the game hidden in it, somewhere. As always, I would greatly appreciate any feed-back; particularly on level design, controls, etc.

@Krobill: I have been testing out a few different jump mechanics. This build still uses the locked-in method, as before, but I may still change that for something more free-roaming. I, also, took your advice on some of the moving obstacles. Shrank the space they took up a good bit, thus giving more room to get around them. It still keeps some of the challenge, but lessens the frustration. Additionally, with the upgrade system in place, a player can now make their left/right strafe quicker and jump height higher.

@Artemise: Thank you. Compliments are always welcome. I am glad you enjoyed it.

@Aspiration: Ditto as above. I truly do appreciate the play-testing.

@Seraphim: Got the messages and replied, but you know that, already.

@wesleyborthwick: Thank you for the encouragement. I hope I can bring the potential out of it. There is a lot more I have planned for it, yet.

@Everyone Else: Still welcoming any and all opinions, even if they are negative… ESPECIALLY if they are constructive criticism. Hope you all enjoy. Should have a few more stages added in a day or two. Almost finished with the rest of the Skyvane set.

Nice Game!

Liked it until I was forced to repeat the obstacles over and over again because they are much to diffult in arrangement in the beginning for the controls provided. Get people used to one after another. And I agree with peoples comments about controls.

Looking forward for future updates. Keep on doing!!

How about adding an orb that will put up a shield around you?

Really nice game there!

The one thing that truly kills it for me is not being able to control myself while jumping. The jump already feels neutered in height, requiring very precise timing, in a genre that isn’t meant for platforming (FPS). Not allowing the player any air control causes frustration instead of empowering the player with an ability.

That and the messages stay up for a long time, considering you’re rocketing towards an obstacle and they’re covering the screen. If they could be moved out of covering up where you’re going, that would be best.

Overall, an excellent start, though!

Added a few new things: Three new stages, some basic sounds, etc.

Also, tweaked the jump to allow for diagonal jumping. Still not full aerial control, but no longer locked into the Z plane.

Same web address as always: www.chaoticheartstudios.com/RecklessSpeed

@Zeden: I, also, tweaked some of the early obstacles in the Tutorial stages to make them a bit easier. I have tried to make the respawn points be conveniently placed to alleviate some of the “not this section again” feeling of repetitiveness. Also, most difficult sections should have an “easier, but less rewarding” way through them. If you are still having problems with certain sections, let me know which and I will see what I can do about them.

@bradjensen68: I, briefly, thought about adding power-ups like shields and such, but dismissed it for fear it would just clutter up the design. You can, already, upgrade most things like jump, speed, etc. Plus, the respawn points/lack of lives lessens the hurt of “dying”. If I made it any simpler to recover from a mistake, I feel it would lose too much of the “thrill”.

@twitchfactor: I am truly glad you enjoyed it. I have given the player a bit more control over the jump. Let me know if this makes the experience more enjoyable, or would giving the old “look, I can magically strafe while jumping” setup be a better option.

As always, thank you for playing, hope you enjoy, and I appreciate the feedback; GREATLY appreciate the feedback.

Just played whatever your latest is up. It feels a lot better! I notice you have a ton of levels now, too! Looks like it’s coming along nicely.

One thing is the upgrades seem a bit hidden. It’s hard to tell that they’re making a difference at all. Maybe bigger jumps, with fewer levels?

I’m curious about your level creation. Are they just all built or is it an algorithm to generate them, like those infinite runner games?