Good evening guys,
Few months now I was working with multiple projects for mobile devices.
And multi language interface is must for mobile games.
I looked for a ready asset but most of them was really confusing, slow in applying them.
And some of the work with XML or SQLite that is think is not a really good way to do that.
So I made my own custom editor tool that helps me to add multiple languages in the game.
Here is a video example that I translate Unity Samples: UI 3D Demo Scene in few minutes
Please watch in HD:
Until now it supports:
-Multiple language : strings, audioclips, sprites, flags(sprite), country code.
-It works on the new 4.6 UI and with old GUI strings.
-UI Text can have different fonts and sizes in any language.
-CSV Import/Export
-Copy/Paste from any Excel like program. (example in the video)
-Auto Assign custom script on all Text in Scene.
-Scene Manager helps to check if all UI Text(etc.) in scene are properly assigned.
-Edit multiple databases in a project.
-Public methods for more dynamic use of the Scene Localizer
-Databases are just Scriptable Objects. (Really faster to load that XML or SQLite)
-Works with 4.6 and Unity 5.
Here are few pictures from the editor tool.
Link :
I have used in many project and I wandering if anyone else finds it useful and if I should submit it in Asset Store.
What do you thing?