High level game concepts:
- Adventure - each adventure is a random generated map, with random monsters, challenges and a boss. All depends on player character’s level and picked difficulty.
- Each adventure play-through will be around 5 to 10 minutes. Aim to be fast paced and relaxing.
- During play-through player gathers loot - items in diablo-style.
- Players can team-up what will result in more difficult adventures but better loot.
- Brawl - a form of pvp death-match. It will be either purely random, or based on a guild rank system, TBD.
- Global item’s marketplace.
- Daily randomly generated quests.
- Skins, skins and even more skins - as additional monetisation strategy.
At the moment I’m working on core network mechanics and infrastructure foundations. I have a working POC but it consists of many moving pieces and takes a lot of time to plan and connect all the bits.
Below a very rough high level diagram of the system.
I’ll try to describe all the integrations as I progress…
First showcase is about Character Builder. Based on Hippo’s asset graphics which got tailored to my game model.
Character builder already allows for quite advanced customisation but I have plans for more head-types/visuals as game progresses.
Game already has a foundation of Headend Server which is handling all the authentication, player’s data management and persistence. Server is using open source DarkRift2 as a networking layer and cloud MongoDB replica set as a storage, it is written in .net, hosted on AWS Linux as docker container.