SOF? haha
I started on the interior… I think I will keep it simple like this… just a rimlight, to sorta bring up details.
SOF? haha
I started on the interior… I think I will keep it simple like this… just a rimlight, to sorta bring up details.
@florianalexandru05 great looking door you got going there
Ive been recently working on my sculpt for my next asset store character, the first of a set of pirates and the first asset for some time!
looks great,
and yes , i would love to see u continue the metro level of sof1
hehe thanks, I will at some point… I was just stuck with all those assets and such. Stuff being offscale, and me wanting to make it a bit more proper scaled. It is pretty overwhelming…
Thanks, good looking pirate as well! I so wish I could do characters like that but I never quite step into it.
I am done spamming now.
yarrgh and update on my next asset store item…wel I say yargh but he turned into a nice guy sea Captain. Once this one is done a villainous pirate variant will follow!
Finished a second car for my lowpoly carpack yesterday…
Looks like will need to update the first model detail wise compared to this one hehe
Doorway to Tomorrow
Cinemachine tests
More updates, finally done the textures for the beech plants. I went as far as making fall versions and I even got as far as adding unnecessary details on small branches that will be under 1k anyway. Trying extra hard to achieve a bit more realism. Material includes translucency.
4k textures
trying out the hdrp fps sample and converting one of my fps projects into it(inspired by oldschool fps games but in a modern jacket) . hdrp isnt very stable yet and i still have a lot of work
those leaves and tree are very nice, great work
Neat stuff to man! I wonder how you made the syringe substance shrink.
tnx, its simple, the liquid pivot is at the base, then scale down y axis when tube goes down